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Researching Your Writing
While some writers love research, for many of us it can feel like a huge undertaking. We love to create, to shape stories, to use our imaginations and invite readers into our made-up worlds -however, research seems...
- Posted February 15, 2017
How To Solve Your Writing Problems
Writing can be a scary process. However often it is our writing fears that stop us from becoming the kind of writers that we want to be. There are so many risks with writing that create these...
- Posted February 14, 2017
Practical Advice For Editing Your Manuscript
Editing your manuscript can feel like a mammoth task, and can almost take as long as writing the first draft itself! Often, when faced with the task of sitting down to edit it can be difficult to...
- Posted February 11, 2017
How Being Positive Can Help Your Writing
It’s important to be positive in general, however, when specifically thinking about our writing, staying positive can really help. Here’s why: Being positive opens creativity Think about it. When you are feeling positive and happy about life,...
- Posted February 11, 2017
The Stupid Beliefs That Stop You From Being A Writer
Sometimes we writers are our own worst enemies. We spend so much time wallowing in a pit of self-doubt, beating ourselves up for not doing enough, and smarting from rejection that we end up shying away from...
- Posted February 10, 2017
How To Set Up A Successful Writers Critique Group
Joining a writing critique group can be a great way of sharing your writing, receiving valuable feedback, exploring your ideas and meeting like-minded, supportive, creative people who can help improve your writing and build your confidence. Of...
- Posted February 8, 2017
Overcome The Blocks That Stop You From Sharing Your Writing
Sharing your writing can be one of the most nerve-wracking and intimating things a writer has to do. Be it a publisher, at a book signing, to an anonymous online group or just to your best friends,...
- Posted February 7, 2017
How To Respond To Your Inner Critic
One of the main problems you may face as a writer is standing up to your inner critic. Being overly self-critical can be very dangerous. It is all too easy to tell yourself to give up, that...
- Posted February 7, 2017
How To Make Sure You Finish Your Book
Are you one of those writers that always seems to start stories, and then never quite gets to the end? Why do you think that is? It is very common for writers to start their stories with...
- Posted February 4, 2017
The Ultimate Editing Checklist
Some writers love the editing stage of their novel. They get themselves all pumped up and ready to turn a poor first draft into something pretty impressive. Others find the editing stage tedious and painful. Even if you...
- Posted February 3, 2017
What Do Writers Have In Common?
Writers have one of the most unique and exciting jobs on the planet. They create new spaces, worlds, universes for people to visit, to hide in. They give people the opportunity to take a break from reality....
- Posted February 2, 2017
10 Useful Rules For Fiction
Everyone needs a helping hand when it comes to writing their fiction novels. It can be so easy to get caught up in the story that we fall into some pretty bad habits or obvious traps that...
- Posted February 1, 2017
Writing Tips From Famous Writers (Harsh But So True!)
The artistic temperament - is it something you are born with or something you can develop? Whatever the answer, simply by having one, you can’t automatically claim to be an artist! Even the most famous and successful...
- Posted January 31, 2017
Why Your Creativity Is Blocked (And How To Unblock It)
Creativity is a funny old thing - as writers, we strive to be creative all the time. We feel we should always be looking for new ideas and ways to be inspired. We should always be alert...
- Posted January 31, 2017