Is It Time You Boosted Your Writing Skills?

By on February 4, 2021

If you don't use your writing skills, you lose them!

Writing skills are important to focus on. It’s very easy for writers to only focus on getting their project complete. However, without practicing our writing skills at the same time, we are missing a trick.

The most experienced writers know that it is through a combination of learning and writing that you will produce the best result. Taking time to develop your writing skills is important. Instead of dedicating every spare second to progressing your latest writing project, it’s a good idea to dedicate some time each week to brush up on your skills. 

With that in mind, we’ve listed some of the most important ways you can boost your writing skills. These will help you become a more accomplished and successful writer in the process. So where to begin?

Appraise your current writing skills

Are you a grammar whizz? Do you understand how to successfully structure a plot? Do you know how to develop your characters? Do you have a great vocabulary? Take a moment to consider what you find easiest and hardest about the writing process. Once you ascertain where you are at, you will know which areas to work on. You could choose to find a course or a book that hones in on that particular area and spend some time studying.

Make learning new skills fun

To keep your skills sharp you are going to have to do some work. However, there is no reason why you can’t make it fun to do so. Try keeping a journal to help note down ideas and any events or exchanges. You can also use this as a way to note your writing journey and check in with yourself. Writing daily is a great practice to get into too. If nothing of note happened in your day then exercise your creative and imaginative skills. Take a mundane situation and turn it into something far more exciting. 

Keep a notebook of one-liners

Sometimes you think of the perfect way to describe something, or you come across a word that’s particularly evocative, or you hear a snippet of conversation that is really powerful or funny. Have a notebook to hand all the time so when these thoughts pop into your head or these conversations are overheard you’ll be able to note them down and soon you have a measure trove of great lines which you can insert into your stories whenever you want to. 

Give and receive feedback

Another useful way to become a more skilled writer is by asking for feedback. Sometimes we are blind to our weak spots and by regularly receiving constructive criticism we can note what comes up and focus on improvements. Giving feedback can also help train your critical eye so you are more likely to spot any errors or inconsistencies in your own work. 

Learn how to be influenced

All artists steal from other artists, the key is learning how to do so masterfully and respectfully. So don’t be afraid to be influenced by another writer’s work, and always keep on reading but make sure that you learn how to use other writers' work in your own without just plagiarising. 

Challenge yourself

To keep up your motivation for learning you need to challenge yourself. Doing the same practices over and over again will become dull and monotonous so remember to switch it up from time to time. By setting yourself creative challenges you can make learning enjoyable.

These tips can help any writer learn how to boost their skills and improve their writing. Do you have any tips to share about how to stay on top of your game? Share them with us here!

So now you know how to boost your writing skills, why not look at these lesser-known writing tips that really work!

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