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  • How To Organize Your Writing Day

    Want to learn how to organize your writing day? These tips will help you become a more proficient, efficient writer! There is no magic way to get yourself into the habit of daily writing. However, if you...

    • Posted March 31, 2022
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  • Should You Kill Off A Character?

    Wondering whether you should kill off a character? Read on to discover if it is the right time! There comes a time in every author's life when they have to decide whether or not it might be...

    • Posted January 20, 2022
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  • How To Test Your Story Idea

    If you have got a new story idea, how do you test it to see whether it has legs? When it comes to writing, our only limitations are our imaginations. However, this does not automatically mean that...

    • Posted December 30, 2021
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  • How To Know Your Readers Better

    Know your readers better and you'll be able to write a book they'll want to read. But how do you get to know this audience? Where do you start? Read on to find out! Every writer knows...

    • Posted December 30, 2021
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  • Self-Publishing Shame -Why Do We Feel Embarrassed ?

    Self-Publishing shame is real. Yet it shouldn't be. Self-publishing has been an option for authors for decades now. Yet, for some reason, there is still a stigma that surrounds it.  There still seems to be a lingering...

    • Posted November 17, 2021
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  • Why Every Business Needs Great Content - Writer's
    Writing A Blog For Your Business

    Writing a blog for your business is a useful way to connect with customers and boost your brand. Every business who wants to explore all their marketing options (and who doesn’t?) needs great content, plain and simple....

    • Posted November 4, 2021
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  • Simple Rules To Help You Write Your Novel Quickly

    Write your novel faster with these useful tips! Writing a novel can’t always be a super speedy process. Taking your time is the best thing to do in certain circumstances. However, there is a difference between being...

    • Posted October 14, 2021
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  • Book Publishers To Submit To Without An Agent

    Looking for book publishers to submit to? Try these 10 below! Looking for book publishers to submit to these days can be a little challenging. Not having an agent can make getting your book in front of...

    • Posted October 7, 2021
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  • Narrative Pacing – How To Ensure Your Plot Has Pace

    Narrative pacing can be tricky to get right but is an essential part of writing a successful story. A well-paced plot will ensure that your story flows well. It will help readers keep momentum and ensure the...

    • Posted October 6, 2021
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  • Why Envy Will Keep Us From Writing - Writer's
    How To Tackle Jealousy In Creative Writing

    There are many reasons why jealousy in creative writing rears its ugly head. Writing envy can be a real problem that stops you from getting on with the task in hand. When it's really bad, it can...

    • Posted September 23, 2021
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  • How To Start A Novel – What To Ask Yourself

    If you are wondering how to start a novel, you might have a lot of questions buzzing around your head. Writing a book is no mean feat. If you have a book inside you that's dying to...

    • Posted August 11, 2021
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  • Elements of Plot: How To Ensure Your Plot Is Intriguing

    If you want to ensure that your book is a success, you need to understand what it is that keeps readers turning those pages. By taking into account all the different elements of the plot you will...

    • Posted August 6, 2021
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  • The Different Types of Characters You’ll Find In Fiction

    Discover how different types of characters can make your book more appealing! When writing a book, it’s important to have an engaging cast of characters. Ones that are unique, different from one another, and appealing to your...

    • Posted August 4, 2021
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  • marketing tips for authors - picture of lots of laptops with hands typing
    Digital Marketing Tips For Authors

    Learning digital marketing tips for authors can really boost your visibility as a writer. If you think that writing is your only job, yet dream of being a successfully published author, it might be time to get...

    • Posted July 28, 2021
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