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  • 30 Non-Fiction Writing Tips

    Improving your nonfiction writing is useful in so many areas of your life. From writing a letter to a loved one to writing an email to your boss, prepping for a presentation, or submitting a business proposal. ...

    • Posted June 25, 2021
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  • Submission mistakes - hands on a laptop keyboard typing
    Common Submission Mistakes

    When you have spent so much time perfecting your manuscript and have gone through the grueling writing and editing process, the last thing you want to do is then make silly submission mistakes when it comes to...

    • Posted June 23, 2021
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  • Author Branding - a clipboard and postcards on a desk
    Author Branding – Why Is It So Important For Writers?

    Before you read this stop for a moment, go to Google, type your own name in. What comes up as the top result? The second? The third? Is it your book on Amazon? Your author's website? Your...

    • Posted June 21, 2021
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  • Facebook Author page - picture of an open book
    Make Your Facebook Author Page Stand Out!

    When it comes to marketing our books, having a good social media platform can be very helpful. For most authors, Facebook is one of the least daunting places to start book promotion, and having a Facebook author...

    • Posted June 18, 2021
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  • The Best Dictionaries For Writers

    Writers love using language and discovering the best dictionaries for writers can help them to master it. Dictionaries For Writers - Why Are They Important? Having a way with words and knowledge of which words to use...

    • Posted June 17, 2021
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  • Understanding Publishing Terms

    Understanding publishing terms can be tricky, but with our guide, you'll learn the basics. Hopefully meaning that the publishing process will go a whole lot smoother! If you haven’t encountered them before, some publishing terms can be...

    • Posted June 16, 2021
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  • book cove price - woman sitting reading a book
    Book Cover Price: How Much Will It Cost To Design A Book Cover?

    A book cover price can vary greatly from provider to provider. Understanding what is good value and what's not will help you find a book cover designer to suit your needs and budget. We all know that...

    • Posted June 11, 2021
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  • How To Get An ISBN Number For Your Book - Woman sitting by a table reading a book
    How To Get An ISBN Number For Your Book

    If you need to know how to get an ISBN number for your book, read on to discover what steps you must take. Did you know that the UK publishing and bookselling market is one of the...

    • Posted June 9, 2021
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  • Why Do Authors Use Pen Names?

    If you’ve ever had the urge to assume a different identity when writing, you are not alone. Lots of authors decide to use pen names instead of their real names when writing a book. What is a...

    • Posted June 9, 2021
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  • Copywriting Tips Revealed
    Copywriting Tips Revealed

    Writing good copy takes time and practice, but with these copywriting tips, you'll be well on your way to crafting great content in no time. If you understand the fundamentals of what makes a good piece of...

    • Posted June 6, 2021
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  • Writing And Mental Health! Are You Paying Attention?

    Writing and mental health have been speculated about over the decades and explored on many occasions. We all know about those famous creative people who found their artistic genius something of a curse, sometimes with dire consequences....

    • Posted June 2, 2021
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  • Children’s Book Publishers To Submit To

    Looking for children's book publishers? If you have a children’s book and are hoping to have it traditionally published, then read on. While we all know how difficult it is to secure a publishing contract. However, there...

    • Posted May 20, 2021
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  • How to find a literary agent - Writers
    How To Find A Literary Agent

    Are you wondering how to find a literary agent?? It’s not as easy as you might think! Unfortunately, nowadays the competition for finding an agent can be just as high as finding a publisher. However, doing so...

    • Posted May 19, 2021
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  • How To Choose An Editor For Your Book

    Knowing how to choose an editor for your book can be tricky. However, we all know that when the time is right, hiring a professional editor can be the best thing. An editor can ensure that our...

    • Posted May 18, 2021
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