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  • How To Create A Coffee Table Book

    If you want to learn how to create a coffee table book - read on! Writers may try their hand at many different creative projects over the course of their careers. If you are in between projects...

    • Posted May 14, 2021
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  • Not Sure How To Get Book Reviews? Read This!

    If you need to learn how to get book reviews, read our helpful tips. Getting reviews for your book isn’t always easy. However, if you want readers to read your book, a lot of positive reviews can...

    • Posted May 14, 2021
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  • What Is Sustainable Publishing?

    Have you heard of sustainable publishing? Read on to find out more! In terms of media content, books are one type of content that is increasingly moving online in the digital age. The rise of ebooks may...

    • Posted May 14, 2021
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  • Book Promotion: Should I Hire Someone To Market My Book?

    If you need help with book promotion, perhaps it's time to consider hiring book marketing services to help you. Are your sales not what you wanted them to be? Have you got to the publishing stage of...

    • Posted May 7, 2021
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  • Self-Publishing Vs Traditional Publishing

    Self-Publishing Vs Traditional Publishing - there are pros and cons to each! Many authors struggle with the decision to self-publish. Many dream of landing a lucrative publishing deal, but also must face the knowledge that this is...

    • Posted May 7, 2021
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  • Self-Publishing Success – The Authors That Made It

    Self-publishing success stories might seem few and far between. Many writers find fame and fortune this way, so read on to discover who they are! Self-published authors sometimes worry it's seen as the ‘lesser’ publishing route.  The...

    • Posted May 7, 2021
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  • What Are SMART Goals And How Could They Help You Write Your Book?

    Writing your first book can be a daunting task, and by breaking it down into various stages, you can help make this seem more manageable. Using SMART goals to help you write your book can give you...

    • Posted April 30, 2021
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  • Writing A Book Series -Ingredients A Book Series Needs

    Do you want to learn about writing a book series? Writing a book series can be a fantastic way to make more money as a writer, and to engage the interest of agents and publishers. If your...

    • Posted April 29, 2021
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  • How To Get A Book Deal In 2021

    If you want to get a book deal this year, you need to get organized, get smart and learn exactly what is required of you to give yourself the best chance of success. So let’s get to...

    • Posted April 29, 2021
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  • What Makes A Story Interesting?

    Want to learn about what it is that makes a story interesting? Here you'll learn how to keep your audience captivated. Writing an interesting story isn’t as easy as you might think! No matter how good your...

    • Posted April 23, 2021
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  • When Is A Prologue A Good Idea?

    Deciding to start your book with a prologue is a bold move. There is a lot of debate in the writing community as to whether prologues are a good or bad idea. Some editors openly hate them...

    • Posted April 22, 2021
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  • what does chapters mean? A book open on some grass
    What Does Chapters Mean? Let’s Discuss!

    Asking 'what does chapters mean?' may seem silly. But do you really understand the purpose of chapters and how to use them to help make your story more readable? What does chapters mean? Let's break it down....

    • Posted April 21, 2021
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  • How To Get Over Imposter Syndrome

    Imposter syndrome is a real problem and one that can hold many would-be successful business people back. Writers are particularly susceptible. So how do we deal with imposter syndrome and work to prevent it from allowing us...

    • Posted April 16, 2021
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  • Writer’s Challenges – The Main Challenges You’ll Face

    We all know that writing isn’t exactly an easy job and a writer's challenges are real. The road is rough and there are many obstacles and problems you must face and overcome along the way. Being prepared...

    • Posted April 16, 2021
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