What Are SMART Goals And How Could They Help You Write Your Book?

By on April 30, 2021

Writing your first book can be a daunting task, and by breaking it down into various stages, you can help make this seem more manageable. Using SMART goals to help you write your book can give you clear objectives, reasonable timescales, and a far better understanding of what you need to do to achieve your objective.

So what are SMART goals and how can they help you write your first book?

SMART goals are goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. If you set objectives that help guide you, you will find it much easier to progress, stick to your deadlines, and overcome obstacles as and when they arise. 

The first thing you should do before any specific goal setting is to create a clear objective for yourself. Ask why you want to write your book in the first place. Write down one sentence that accurately sums up your objective and keep this near you so you can refer back to it during the writing process.

SMART goal objectives

Your SMART goals should all support this objective and each one should follow the acronym. For example.

Specific - I will finish my novel by the end of 2021.

Measurable - I will spend three hours a day writing my books.

Achievable - I will achieve this by dedicating three evenings a week to writing.

Relevant - Writing this book is a lifelong goal of mine.

Time Bound - I will complete the book by the end of the year.

Do SMART goals make a difference?  

Writing down your goals in this way, and considering how to make them SMART goals means you are more likely to achieve them. If you just write down your aims without giving thought to how specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound they are, you aren’t being clear with yourself, you aren’t setting parameters and you will find it much easier to delay your goals or become overwhelmed by them and put them off. 

Adding a monetary goal can also be a good idea. If money is a motivator for your writing ambitions then you should include goals around publication, marketing, and money-making. 

A financial goal could be something like: I will make a 25% profit on my book above the investment of writing, publishing, and marketing it within 2 years. This goal follows the SMART objectives and will help motivate you to create a business and financial plan for your book. 

Once you have decided on your goals that relate to all different parts of your book, i.e., the creation process, the editing process, the marketing process, and your financial goals, you should aim to pull everything together into an action plan.

Why do writers need SMART goals?

Every writer who desires to see their finished, published novel, especially those attempting to finish their first book, needs SMART goals.  We all have other commitments, be that other jobs, families, and so many other tasks and chores that can distract us and take up our time.

When are able to sit down and write, knowing exactly what you need to focus on helps you stay on the right track. Creating a plan and mapping out your goals will get you there!

Now you know all about SMART goals, why not read about why you might need to rethink your writing goals?

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About Beth Cadman

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