Not Sure How To Get Book Reviews? Read This!

By on May 14, 2021

If you need to learn how to get book reviews, read our helpful tips.

Getting reviews for your book isn’t always easy. However, if you want readers to read your book, a lot of positive reviews can be a massive factor in how many copies you’ll sell. 

Word of mouth is still a huge factor that can affect a book’s popularity. Readers are far more likely to make the decision to read a book if others have recommended it. If you want to increase your book’s visibility and indeed your sales, you need to ensure that your book has plenty of online reviews, is mentioned in blogs, and comes highly recommended on various social media channels. 

Want to learn how to get more book reviews? Here is everything you need to know!

So if you want people to review your book, how do you make that happen? Here are some helpful tips. 

As an author, the best route is to try and showcase your book wherever your readers hang out and to present your book in whichever format they most like to consume content.  Contacting reviewers, bloggers, groups, and influencers is a good place to start, but your book is unique, and therefore it's a good idea to conduct your own research and think outside the box.

Hire a professional marketer

A professional marketer will be able to get your book reviewed by those with influence. If you have a marketing budget and are able to spend some money in this way it could be a great way to boost your reviews and get people talking about your book. 

Reach out to bloggers

Contacting book bloggers is always tricky, however, done right and you can discover those who will happily review your book and this could do a lot for your book sales. Find bloggers who love your genre, craft a carefully worded email and then wait for a response!

Create a buzz around your book

A solid marketing plan where you put lots of energy into creating a buzz around your book before you publish is imperative. Find your audience and market to them, release teasers and snippets, and so on. Do everything you can to make people excited about your work and then they’ll want to buy and review it as soon as he is released.

Offer something in exchange for a review

You can offer freebies in exchange for reviews. You can even pay for them. However, doing this is frowned upon in many circumstances. Offering a free copy of your book for an honest review is different from offering £100 for a positive review. Understanding where the line is s important. Faking reviews only undermines the integrity of your work and you as an author too.

Join writers groups and use social media

Groups on Facebook can be a fantastic way to boost your book reviews and recommendations. There are plenty of very active groups which offer an invaluable resource for support and advice and will give you information and valuable contacts that could lead to more book reviews.

Social media is another great resource. Follow authors, like, and share their work. Offer to write reviews of their books and post them on your website and social accounts. Authors you do this for are likely to reciprocate and return the favor. 

Use these tips to help boost your book reviews and see your sales soar!

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