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  • Writer Creativity – Does Organisation & Routine Stifle It?

    Being a writer is not easy. and writer creativity can be a problem. We have to be so many things at once. Often the demands of being a writer mean that we have to wear man hats...

    • Posted April 15, 2021
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  • World Building Tips For Writers

    The world building process is a vital part of any successful story. Without a vivid world that your readers can picture in their mind’s eye, it will be nearly impossible to place or ground your characters. If...

    • Posted April 8, 2021
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  • Story Question -How To Discover Your Central Question

    Do you know what your story questions are? Every good book has one central, dramatic question that acts as the very essence of what your story is about. If you don’t know what yours is, don’t worry!...

    • Posted April 8, 2021
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  • What Makes A Good Writer?

    When it comes to being a successful writer, it certainly helps if you are a particular kind of person. While authors come in all shapes, sizes, and personality types, having particular traits can help ensure that you...

    • Posted April 2, 2021
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  • What Are The Best Jobs For Writers?

    Want to make money writing? Here are some of the best jobs for writers! Lots of writers have one goal only, and that’s to write and sell their novels. However, we all know how difficult this is,...

    • Posted March 31, 2021
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  • What To Include In An Author Website

    If you aren’t sure what to include in your author website, you need to read this. Many authors want to just write their books and that’s it. However, if you are serious about selling your book, you...

    • Posted March 31, 2021
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  • Writing Efficiently – How To Become An Efficient Writer

    Writing efficiently is a useful skill to master for any author. When it comes to your writing sometimes it can feel like the slow progress is draining the life out of you. In the days where we...

    • Posted March 26, 2021
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  • Blog Topics For Every Author

    Blog topics can be hard to think of, but with our great tips, you'll never be short on content again! If you want to attract more visitors to your website and engage more readers, you need to...

    • Posted March 26, 2021
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  • Writing Honestly? Are You Being Honest With Yourself?

    Writing honestly can be tough, but being honest about your writing is even tougher. We all know that if you want to make it as a professional writer, you need to be willing to put the time...

    • Posted March 26, 2021
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  • How To Get More Email Subscribers

    All authors who are trying to boost their following and sell more books know that learning how to get more email subscribers is a great way to work towards this.  Get people to sign up to your...

    • Posted March 21, 2021
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  • Why Being Healthy Makes You A Better Writer

    If you want to be a better writer, there are several things that you can do. You must practice writing every day. Become more resilient to criticism (including self-criticism). Read as much as possible, and you must...

    • Posted March 21, 2021
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  • Fictional Characters -Do You Need To Like Them?

    It's important to understand whether we need to like our fictional characters in order to write them successfully. When writing our stories we often find that we end up falling in love with our characters. We spend...

    • Posted March 18, 2021
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  • When Taking A Break From Writing Is A Good Idea

    While it is often drummed into writers how important it is to write every day. However, there can be times where taking a break from writing is actually helpful. In particularly circumstances having some space can be...

    • Posted March 11, 2021
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  • writer frustration
    Writer Frustration & How To Overcome It

    Do you suffer from writer frustration? Here are some of the most common and what you can do about them. When you start feeling frustrated with your writing, it can eliminate any pleasure you get from working...

    • Posted March 11, 2021
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