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  • Successful Email Marketing Campaigns

    Creating successful email marketing campaigns could mean great things for your book. An effective email marketing campaign will get your book noticed by readers who are likely to be interested in buying it. It could also be...

    • Posted December 16, 2020
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  • Copyright Law For Authors?

    Understanding copyright law for authors is paramount for every writer- so read on to discover exactly what your right are! If you've put time and energy into writing, polishing, and perfecting your book, you'll no doubt feel...

    • Posted December 10, 2020
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  • Author Partners – How To Partner With Authors

    Finding author partners to write your next book with could be an excellent strategy - read on to find out how! If you are looking for a smart, long term marketing strategy to boost your book sales,...

    • Posted December 10, 2020
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  • How To Keep Readers Interested

    If you are wondering how to keep readers interested in your work read on! Let's face it, we've all had that feeling where we really get into a novel - so much so that we stay up...

    • Posted December 4, 2020
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  • How To Write A Conclusion – Blog Writers Top Techniques

    How To Write A Conclusion - Blog Writers Top Techniques If you are wondering how to write a good conclusion, these top techniques from successful blog writers can help!  You’ve spent your precious time researching, writing, and...

    • Posted December 4, 2020
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  • Promoting Your Book On Facebook

    Promoting your book on Facebook is easy if you know how. Here are our top tips on how to get started! If you want to market your book as an indie author, making the most of social...

    • Posted November 27, 2020
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  • Tips For Author Email Marketing Campaigns

    Author marketing campaigns are fantastic to let people know you've written a book, and discover new cohorts of people who may want to read your book. We all know that if you want to be a successful...

    • Posted November 26, 2020
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  • Writing An Anthology? These Tips Will Help!

    Learning how to write an anthology is tricky as there are structures and rules to follow. But our tips will arm you with everything you need to do so successfully. An anthology is a collection of literary...

    • Posted November 20, 2020
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  • Good Reasons For Writing A Sequel

    Thinking about writing a sequel? Here are some things you might want to consider before you start! Finishing one book is no mean feat, and the idea of writing another might feel a little overwhelming. However, one...

    • Posted November 19, 2020
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  • Writing Rules Worth Breaking

    Writing rules - do you follow them? While being an excellent writer is a talent, it is also something that one can practice and learn about to get better. Having a natural way with words and a...

    • Posted November 19, 2020
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  • What To Do After You’ve Finished Your First Draft?

    Are you wondering what to do after you've finished your first draft? Read on to find out. Finishing your first draft is a time of celebration - many writers don't make it this far. However, your first...

    • Posted November 12, 2020
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  • Author Statistics To Get You Thinking

    Want to understand some author statistics to help inspire your own writing journey? Read on to find out more. Being an author can be a tough job. Unfortunately, there is no getting around the fact that if...

    • Posted November 12, 2020
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  • 10 Tips To Finish Your Novel Before The End Of The Year

    Looking for some top tips to make sure you finish your novel? Read on to discover more! While the end of the year is drawing ever closer, there is still time to achieve your goal of finishing...

    • Posted October 29, 2020
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  • How To Get Your Book Published This Year

    Looking to get your book published this year? Our tips will help! Getting your book published is a tricky process. If you want to give yourself the best chance, it is important to stay up-to-date with the...

    • Posted October 23, 2020
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