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Author Branding – Why Is It So Important For Writers?

Before you read this stop for a moment, go to Google, type your own name in. What comes up as the top result? The second? The third? Is it your book on Amazon? Your author's website? Your Linkedin profile? Nothing at all? A different person with the same name? The results will tell you whether or not your author branding is on the right track.
Author Branding: Are the results what you want them to be?
Being happy with the way you are perceived online is an important part of being a successful writer. For a start, you need to be visible and have a strong and positive online presence. If you hope to sell lots of books this is quite critical. You also need to make sure that your personal branding is aligned with your vision.
The search results you see are what your potential customers will see - they are basically the first impression they’ll have of you as an author, a person, and a brand.
Personal Branding - what is it?
While branding used to be a term you’d most commonly associate with big businesses, now a personal brand is something almost anyone can have. Your personal author branding should encompass who you are and what you do and what you stand for. Your skills, knowledge, and areas of expertise, coupled with your passion, your reputation, and your experiences.
First impressions count
As a writer, building up your personal brand has many benefits. More people use social media than ever before. If you want to stand out from the crowd for all the right reasons, build reader loyalty and trust, you need to put time and effort into developing an author brand.
A unique and authentic online presence
Making an impact online is important as it will set you apart from other writers. It will help you stand out as a thought leader who demands attention, it can help build connections with others who may be able to help you in the future and can help boost your fanbase so you’ll always have people who will support you and champion your work.
Readers tend to stick to authors they trust or who have been personally recommended to them. By building your brand you can help to develop trust in your audience and boost your credibility. People buy from people, and so the more readers can relate to you on a personal level, the more likely they’ll be motivated to purchase your book.
Branding - the key to writer success!
So if you are hoping to gain the attention of your target readers and turn them into loyal fans who are clamoring for more. Pay attention to your author branding and consider what you could do to make it more prominent, authentic, and exciting - it could make a big difference if you do!
Now you've learned about author branding, why not read about tips for author marketing campaigns?
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