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Why You Should Write In The Second Person
Experimenting with how you write is always a good thing. It is how you find your writing ‘voice.’ It helps you learn what you are comfortable with, what kind of language you enjoy using, what you are...
- Posted July 29, 2016
How Mixing Genres Can Enhance Your Work
When writing a novel, one of the most important things to bear in mind is the genre you have chosen to write in. Each genre of fiction has a set of clearly defined rules. Rules which can...
- Posted July 28, 2016
Why You Need A Great Portfolio
If you want a fantastic, lucrative and long term career in freelance writing, you need to build up an excellent portfolio of work. Perhaps there are a few exceptions to the rule, but for most of us,...
- Posted July 27, 2016
10 Writing Secrets You Need To Know
While writing may not be easy, it can certainly be made easier by discovering the tricks and tips which successful writers all over the world use to help them write more productively, more efficiently and more creatively....
- Posted July 26, 2016
3 Ways To Produce Mind-Blowing Content
So you have written a piece of content. It might be for your blog or a piece you have been commissioned to do for someone else. Either way, when you publish it, you will have the same...
- Posted July 25, 2016
Great Characters Every Book Should Have
Every book needs to have a great protagonist. That goes without saying. But what about all the other characters in your book? Often we focus so hard on making sure that our hero or heroine is incredible,...
- Posted July 24, 2016
3 Major Writing Problems And How To Solve Them
Writers face many different challenges when trying to perfect their craft, and whether you are attempting to write an essay or get that new blog post polished and ready for publishing, there are some common challenges that...
- Posted July 21, 2016
3 Ways To Produce Mind-Blowing Content
Writing content that is going to get readers to sit up and take notice is an important part of any freelance writer’s job. Of course, creating readable, shareable content is something that every article and blog writer...
- Posted July 21, 2016
What It Means To Write What You Know
As a writer, we are sure you will have come across the phrase ‘write what you know’ at one point or another. ‘Write what you know’ is often the advice we are given when starting out on...
- Posted July 21, 2016
How To Make Sure You Don’t Give Up Writing
Most writers find that their relationship with writing has highs and lows. There can be a few months where you feel completely inspired, and every time you sit down to write the words just flow. Then there...
- Posted July 19, 2016
How To Write An Unhappy Ending
We all love a happy ending, don’t we? Something that makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and helps us to feel like everything in the world is going to be okay? This is probably why...
- Posted July 16, 2016
Writing Gender Specific Dialogue
Writing realistic and engaging dialogue is one of the aspects of writing a novel that many writers struggle with. You want to write a conversation that is believable, but at the same time, if you tried to...
- Posted July 15, 2016
The Best Ways To Brainstorm
Brainstorming is a really helpful way of coming up with new ideas and inspiration for your writing. Brainstorming is all about giving yourself free reign, a time where every idea counts, where you simply spill everything you have...
- Posted July 15, 2016
How To Find Your Article Inspiration
Life as a freelance writer means that you have to constantly be on the lookout for new stories. You can’t sit there twiddling your thumbs, waiting for an editor to call you to write something, you have...
- Posted July 14, 2016