What Makes A Good Writer Good?

By on October 31, 2019

Do you know what makes a good writer? Here we explore what qualities make a good writer good! As writers, we know that the journey to greatness is a long one. Almost never-ending, in fact. Because there are always new ways to learn, new things do discover, and to experiment with, we can always strive to improve.

However, for many of us, the writing journey is also paved with self-doubt, which regularly leads us to question our writing ability and wonder if we are any good at it.

So can you definitively say if a writer is good? If so, what are the qualities, attributes, and achievements required to become a good writer?

Let’s examine some of them:

The ability to tell a good story

Having narrative skills as a writer is essential. You may think this only applies to fiction writers, but it really doesn’t. The ability to tell a story is an important skill as it is what hooks readers, what engages them, and what connects them to the words in an emotional way. Whatever you are writing about, if you can write in a way that makes the reader fall right into the story, you are on the right track. 

Having a unique voice

Your story should be your own, that’s not to say it has to be a unique idea, but the way you tell it should be. Finding your writing voice is what helps with this. Read as much as you can and write frequently and with enthusiasm. The more you do this, the easier finding your voice will be.

Tapping into the imagination

Writers need to be creative, and the ability to use your imagination is imperative. To be imaginative is to be inventive, artistic, poetic, and surprising. Again, this is something that can be practiced. Lots of people find being creative challenging because they worry they will be ridiculed. However, in writing, no idea is off-limits, so let your imagination run free, and then learn how to control and direct it until it becomes effortless and flows as you write. 

Determination & resilience in all weathers

Writing isn’t easy. If you want to be a good writer you need to be self-motivated, you need to have the ability to overcome obstacles and to solve problems and pick yourself up and carry on even when your confidence has been knocked. 

Using the right words in the right order

Having a way with words is another essential attribute of good writers. They can find just the right words to perfectly paint a picture that engages their readers or delivers the message or provides the correct information at the right time in a way that is natural but also memorable.

Understanding what readers want

Good writers will do their research. They’ll bother to find out what readers want, and they’ll tailor their writing to meet that need. This is true of both article and blog writers as well as novelists and something all good writers strive to achieve.

A love of writing and a desire to learn

Of course, all good writers love to write. It is a craft that takes real passion and dedication, and those who want to become better will dedicate themselves to learning and improving, they’ll love the language they write in, the power of words, the way they can have different meanings and interpretations and they’ll keep doing it because it’s in their blood!

While this list is by no means exhaustive, it does contain some vital qualities that writers must possess to succeed. Do you have any to add? Share them with us here.

So now you know what makes a good writer good, why not learn some unusual writing tips to improve your writing?

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bethany cadman
Bethany Cadman - bethanycadman.co.uk

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