Learning From Writing -What Does Writing Teach You About Yourself?

By on October 16, 2019

There are many benefits to learning from writing. It can be a fantastic way to earn a living, after all. It can give you the freedom and flexibility to pursue things in life you enjoy. It is a chance to tap into your imagination and be creative. Writing can give you a purpose and be incredibly cathartic too.

One of the main benefits, however, is that it can teach you a great deal about yourself. Learning about who you are, through the words that you write, can be extremely valuable indeed. 

So what are the sorts of things that writing teaches you about yourself? Let’s take a look.

Learning from writing - what can you discover?

Writing can teach you about how you genuinely feel

Whenever you write, you naturally explore different emotions, all of which are very human and very real. Through your characters and the significant life events that you put them through, the way they react and interact forces the author to scrutinize specific emotions. Doing so can give us better insight into ourselves and how we truly feel.

Writing can teach you how to be self-disciplined

Writing requires so much self-discipline. It is through the practice of writing we learn how to become patient, goal-orientated, driven individuals who understand the need to be organized, and to have self-imposed restrictions in order to achieve something important.

Writing can teach you about perseverance

Success in writing has as much to do with perseverance as it does anything else. The more you write, and the longer you continue to be a writer, the better you can mine your well of perseverance and understand what it means to carry on against all the odds. 

Writing can teach you how you work your best

Writing enables individuals to learn how to become their most productive, how to be the very best versions of themselves. It is through trial and error that we understand what needs to be in place to be a productive and prolific writer, but having this self-knowledge can be incredibly helpful when trying to master other life skills too.

Writing can teach you what you are passionate about

Whether focusing on fact or fiction, writing allows us to explore avenues we’ve never been down before, to do research about subjects that excite us, and find out where our true passions lie.

Writing can teach you about what’s most important

Writing helps us to deal with some of the tougher times in our lives too. Through the art of writing, we can gain a clearer picture of those things that are dear to us, the things that matter, and all the rest of it, which we can then more easily let go of.

These lessons that we learn through the practice of our craft can be vital and helpful to our overall sense of accomplishment, satisfaction, and wellbeing. So keep writing, keep discovering more amazing things about yourself, and learn who you really are - that’s what writing can do for you!

So now you know why learning from writing is so important, why not discover more about writing with honesty?

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bethany cadman
Bethany Cadman - bethanycadman.co.uk

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