What Is Persuasive Writing? How To Write More Persuasively

By on October 24, 2019

Writing persuasively means that you write in a way that inspires a reader to think or act or engage in a specific way. Persuasive writing will move a reader and will motivate them. Whatever it is you want them to do, or whichever way you want them to react, that’s precisely what will happen.

Persuasive writing is used in both factual and fictional work and across all mediums too. It is most intensively used in copywriting for businesses. The more convincing the copy is, the easier it will be to engage potential readers. Persuasive writing means converting them into frequently spending, loyal customers too. 

What is Persuasive Writing? Our top tips on how to convince your readers

If you want to learn about what makes persuasive writing read on. Let's consider the key considerations writers need to take into account if they want to write more persuasively.

Understand your target audience

While some copy is for a more general readership, the more specific you can be about your desired reader, the easier it will be to create a piece of writing that speaks to them and persuades them to act.

Remember to say why

If you want to capture the attention of your audience, you need to give them a good reason. It’s very easy to forget to say why - so make sure you spell it out to your customers for maximum effect.

Get the tone right

It’s not just about what you say; it’s also about how you say it. Make sure that you get the tone right. Doing so will exert more considerable influence and make sure your message comes across in the right way. 

Build trust

The more authentic you sound, the more readers will trust you. Therefore, they will be compelled to follow your instructions. Be honest, be transparent, back up your claims with proof, and you’ll build a loyal following of people who feel they can trust you. 


Writing with empathy is essential. If you can resonate with your reader, if you can show them you understand their problems and suffer from the same ones, then you’ll form a connection with them that will mean they are more likely to listen and take on board what you have to say.

Use your storytelling skills

Be creative and imaginative in your copy. Paint a picture, tell a story - this will establish a human connection, and engage emotions that have been proven to motivate people to buy. 

Pay attention to your language

Persuasive copy is littered with words that inspire action. Learn which words are most likely to drive your customers to act and make sure you include them in your text. Check out this list of persuasive words.

Be clear about the benefits

If you want a reader to do something, you need to demonstrate the benefit to them of doing so. If you can be specific about the benefits that will come to the reader as a result of doing what you are asking them to do, they’ll be far more likely to do it!

Address objections

The better you can preempt what a reader might object to about your proposal, the more successfully you can address these objections and reassure them, and the more powerfully persuasive you will be. 

Don’t forget your call to action!

Of course, persuasive writing won’t work if you don’t have a clear CTA, one that tells your readers what you want them to do. So don’t hide this instruction or be too meek about asking. If your copy is persuasive enough, this should feel like a natural next step - just don’t forget to include it! 

Now you know how to write more persuasively why not learn how to find your true writer's voice?

bethany cadman
Bethany Cadman - bethanycadman.co.uk

About Ty Cohen

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