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How To Write With Emotion
The one thing that all writers need to be able to master is how to write with emotion. If your audience doesn’t feel anything about your story, about your characters, they won’t connect with your book and...
- Posted January 28, 2017
Easy Ways To Find More Writing Time
We’d all love to have more time to write. However, it is not always easy to find it. Most of us write in our spare time, but often life can get in the way. We’d love to...
- Posted January 26, 2017
How To Interact On Facebook As An Author
Oh, Facebook - a handy communication tool or a confusing nightmare? For some authors, it can be a bit of both. We all know that if we want to increase our audiences, communicate with our readers and...
- Posted January 26, 2017
Stuck For Writing Ideas? Try These
While some writers believe in writer's block and some do not, however, it’s fair to say that there are times in most writers lives where they feel a little stuck for ideas. This happens to the best...
- Posted January 25, 2017
How To Write About Love
Writing about love is a tricky business, and often it depends on the kind of novel you are writing as to how you should go about it. The most important part of writing about love is making...
- Posted January 24, 2017
What Inspires You To Write?
Cast your mind back, what was it about writing that made you think ‘this is what I want to do.’ Can you remember? As children we are all instilled with a love of storytelling, we have bedtime...
- Posted January 24, 2017
Get Better At Organizing And Become A Productive Writer
Writers are not often naturally organized creatures, however learning how to be so can be invaluable when it comes to improving your writing and becoming more successful. You might think ‘but why?’ Writing is surely all about...
- Posted January 20, 2017
How To Write Outside Your Comfort Zone
It’s always good to experiment with your writing, and learning how to push those boundaries and write outside your comfort zone can lead you down many interesting paths. Of course, writing outside your comfort zone is easier...
- Posted January 19, 2017
Why Do So Many Books Fail?
The majority of books that are written are hardly read by anybody. This may seem a little depressing, but it is the unfortunate truth. Think of all the millions of books that are out there. How many...
- Posted January 19, 2017
How To Create A Plot Twist That Will Shock Your Readers
When you are approaching the end of a novel, there is nothing better than suddenly everything you thought you knew being turned on its head. You were expecting the protagonist journey to go a certain way, but...
- Posted January 18, 2017
Does Your First Chapter Make A Good Impression?
Your first chapter is arguably the most important chapter of your book. This is the one that publishers will read and decide whether your book is worth paying more attention to, and one that your readers will...
- Posted January 17, 2017
Why You Can’t Finish Your Writing
Are you the kind of writer that has tonnes of brilliant ideas? One who starts writing full of energy and bubbling with excitement about your story? One who gets a few chapters in and then starts to...
- Posted January 17, 2017
How To Make Every Scene In Your Novel Count
If you really think about it, your novel is just a compilation of scenes that, when read together, tell your story. If your scenes flow into one another and complement one another (with the help of a...
- Posted January 14, 2017
It’s Time To Take Your Writing (And Yourself) Seriously
There are so many writers out there that keep their writing, and the fact that they love it, as a deep, dark shameful secret that they don’t want anyone to know about. By pretending that we are not...
- Posted January 13, 2017