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How To Write About Your Life
'Write what you know' is age-old writing advice that has been given to us writers time and time again. While we can decide how to interpret this, writing about your own life and your own experiences is...
- Posted April 21, 2017
How To Get Clients As A Freelance Writer
Starting out as a freelance writer can be tough. Securing enough clients and work to keep paying the bills is something that all freelancers worry about. In fact, even those who have been making a success of...
- Posted April 20, 2017
Freelance Writers! Get In An Editors Good Books And Secure Future Work.
Being a freelance writer can be a tough gig at times, especially when you are just starting out. At the same time, if you become successful it can be a lucrative and rewarding career - and the...
- Posted April 19, 2017
Are You Ready To Write Full-time? Do This First!
Making the decision to write full-time can feel as daunting as it is exciting. However, many writers make the decision somewhat blindly - after all, how can we predict how a freelance writing career is going to...
- Posted April 19, 2017
How To Support Your Fellow Writers
Being a writer is no walk in the park. If you are trying to make writing your career you have to put in a huge amount of effort, as well as get used to the idea that...
- Posted April 15, 2017
How Long Does It Take To Write A Book?
The question, how long does it take to write a book,' is one that many of us ask. Many writers who are thinking about starting their first novel wonder how long it will take them to complete...
- Posted April 14, 2017
How To Write A Great Book Ending
Writing an ending to your novel is possibly one of the hardest parts about it. If you have planned out your whole book before you start you’ll no doubt have a good idea of what will happen...
- Posted April 14, 2017
What It Means To Be An Indie Author
The term indie author hasn’t been around forever. In the past being a self-published author was called just that and was akin to when internet dating first came out. You wanted to do it, but you didn’t...
- Posted April 13, 2017
Excellent Strategies To Help Revise Your Book
So you’ve finished your novel - congratulations! There is nothing quite like the feeling of having actually made it to the end of your book, especially because if you are anything like me there were probably several instances where...
- Posted April 12, 2017
How To Gain Perspective On Your Work
Often it can do authors the world of good to step back from their books and take a break from them before they decide the time is right to publish. Why? Because gaining perspective can help you...
- Posted April 12, 2017
Just Because You Find Writing Hard It Doesn’t Mean You’re Not A Writer
Ever meet one of those writer’s who truly believes that writing is their destiny? That they have always just known that they ‘have to write.’ The ones who claim to wake up in the middle of the...
- Posted April 9, 2017
How To Write A Blog That People Will Read
Some writers love writing their author blog, some writers hate it. Either way, it can’t be denied that a great author blog can increase your readership and boost your book sales. Of course, writing an author blog...
- Posted April 9, 2017
How To Kill A Character
Killing off characters in your story can feel a little unnerving. Regardless of whether you have always known you were going to do it, or, as you started writing your book you realised you had no choice,...
- Posted April 9, 2017
Let’s Get Back To Our Writing Best
We can all get into a bit of a writing slump from time to time and find it difficult to stay motivated. Sometimes even writing at all can feel like a massive chore, and when you do...
- Posted April 9, 2017