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Get To Grips With Social Media And Sell More Books
Once your book is ‘out there’ you’ll no doubt want to do everything in your power to sell as many copies as possible and to build your fanbase. Most authors know that when it comes to marketing...
- Posted March 4, 2017
The Best Advice To Give Any Writer
Writing is a complicated business and there are always new ways to learn, and different techniques to try. Whatever kind of writing you do, there are some pieces of advice that hold true for every writer, and...
- Posted March 4, 2017
When Is The Best Time To Publish Your Book?
Finishing your book is a wonderful feeling, but knowing what to do next with it is often the hardest part! If you are lucky (and talented) enough to find a publisher then they will take care of...
- Posted March 1, 2017
Why It Pays To Be Business-Minded
If it’s time you took yourself and your writing career seriously then it’s time to get your head out of the clouds. Yes it may be beautiful up there, and where all your most imaginative, creative ideas...
- Posted February 28, 2017
Why Writing Makes Your Life Better
Often articles focus on how difficult writing is, and all the struggles that writers have to overcome, and while we are not going to disagree with the fact that writing is tough and challenging at times, let’s...
- Posted February 28, 2017
Should You Use Bad Language In Your Book?
Deciding whether or not to use bad language in your book may actually be a bigger decision than it first appears to be. Of course, using bad language in your writing is a choice, and if you...
- Posted February 26, 2017
How Do You Know What To Cut Out Of Your Novel?
Some writers get really excited about the editing stage of their novel. Others completely dread it. Whatever your take, editing your work is simply part and parcel of being a writer, and so it’s a good idea...
- Posted February 25, 2017
Find The Perfect Balance For Your Author Blog
Many authors find the idea of writing an author blog daunting, or perhaps just plain annoying! However, doing so is a good way of communicating with fans, building your readership and marketing your work. When it comes...
- Posted February 25, 2017
How Being A Technophobe Is Holding You Back
Any writer who wants to see their book become successful knows that simply writing it is just the half of it. These days getting your book finished is the tip of the iceberg and, once it is...
- Posted February 24, 2017
Are You A Serious Writer? Here’s How You’ll Know.
While there is absolutely nothing wrong with keeping writing as that special hobby that gives you great pleasure, but you only do when you have the time, if you want to take your writing to the next...
- Posted February 23, 2017
What’s Standing In The Way Of Your Publishing Deal?
Most writers aspire to get their work published, and while there have never been more opportunities and help for indie authors to see their work in print, the dream of having one's book picked up by an...
- Posted February 22, 2017
When Should You Give Up On Getting Published?
Every writer knows that getting published is no mean feat, and, in most cases, they have to have nerves of steel and amazing perseverance in order to keep trying. But is there a point where writers should...
- Posted February 17, 2017
How To Challenge Yourself As A Writer
Setting yourself challenges is an important way to learn and grow as a writer. Naturally, the easiest way to improve your writing is to keep practising it. The more you write the better you will become at...
- Posted February 16, 2017
How To Find Your Writing Muse
For some writers, finding inspiration is so easy. Wherever they go, whoever they meet, wherever they look they find things that interest and excite them, that fill them with wonder, things that make them excitedly reach for...
- Posted February 16, 2017