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What Happens After A Publisher Says ‘Yes?’
There are lots of pieces of advice out there for writers on how to handle rejection, on what your options are if your book gets refused by a publisher, or how to get your book in perfect...
- Posted August 6, 2017
Can You Over Edit Your Story?
Most authors feel a sense of trepidation when it comes to editing their books. The initial elation of having finally gotten to the end of your story is short lived, and the process of editing and reshaping...
- Posted August 6, 2017
What To Do After You Finish Your Book?
Finishing your first novel can feel like an incredible achievement. It may have taken you months or even years to get to the stage where you feel as though it is ‘done.’ When you started out you...
- Posted August 6, 2017
How Do You Know You Should Be A Writer?
Many people daydream of writing a book. Of becoming a famous novelist, of spending their days dreamily sipping coffee, indulging their creativity, and typing away without a care in the world. To those who don’t know much...
- Posted August 3, 2017
The Best Places For Productive Writing
We all have those days where we find it difficult to write productively. Where we find any excuse to put it off, and when we do finally sit down to write, we just can’t seem to concentrate...
- Posted August 3, 2017
How Do Publishers Decide What To Publish?
To many writers, publishers can seem rather mysterious. When we send our books off we feel as though all we can do is cross our fingers and hope and pray that we are one of the lucky...
- Posted July 29, 2017
Stupid Writing Rules You Should Definitely Ignore
As writers, should we choose to look for it, we can find advice about almost every aspect of our craft. From how to develop your characters to plotting your plot. From how to approach publishers, to how...
- Posted July 28, 2017
Are Your Characters Boring?
One thing that is sure to kill your book is having characters that are boring. No matter how exciting and intriguing your premise, no matter how well thought out and beautifully written your plot, if you characters...
- Posted July 28, 2017
What To Do If You Get A Bad Book Review
Getting a horrible review can feel truly dreadful and is one of the things that writers fear the most. It is one thing receiving rejections from agents and publishers - we expect these, but they only either ignore...
- Posted July 27, 2017
How To Turn An Idea Into A Story
As writers, we are always on the lookout for new ideas. We keep our eyes, ears and minds open in the hope that something will suddenly inspire us, and we will get that little spark of desire,...
- Posted July 26, 2017
Things To Think About When Looking For An Agent
Finding a Literary Agent is by no means an easy task, but if you are able to land one it could mean your book has serious potential and is far more likely to be published. Let’s face...
- Posted July 24, 2017
Writers: Why It’s Important To Always Write Your Best
Writers are often told it’s important not to put too much pressure on themselves. This is good advice. Many writers struggle to do they very things they love because they are crippled with self-doubt and fear that...
- Posted July 24, 2017
Weird Writing Superstitions!
Writers are strange creatures, and just as sportsmen might have a cap or a medal they have to wear before a big game, or those going into an exam might take a trinket or ornament as a...
- Posted July 19, 2017
10 Tips For Getting Feedback On Your Writing
Every writer needs feedback on their writing - whether they want it or not. Useful feedback can really help us learn and improve, make better decisions and be more ruthless when it comes to editing our books....
- Posted July 19, 2017