How To Write More Freely

By on May 30, 2017

Sometimes it can be a real struggle to sit down and write. Whether it’s just getting ourselves motivated, or that pesky inner critic preventing the words from coming out, there are times where all writers will find it hard to write freely.

Of course, to be as prolific and productive as possible, we want to try and keep these instances to an absolute minimum. So how can we prevent them, and make sure that every time we sit down to write the words just flow?

Make sure you do your warm up.

Even if you write every day, it’s good to warm up those writing muscles before you start working on your story once more. So before you get to it, try a 10 minute warm up where you free write (write anything that comes into your mind completely uncensored). This will get those cogs turning and help you get all the nonsense out before you begin for real!

Acknowledge that writing is hard.

No writer thinks that writing is easy, and the more you understand and acknowledge the highs and lows of writing, the more you will accept the fact that sometimes you have to make an effort. Often this can help you get over whatever you're struggling against more quickly. Beating yourself up when you are having a bad writing day won’t help, so the sooner you can move on the better.

Be prepared.

If you have done your research, created chapter outlines and really know your story, you’ll find it so much easier when it comes to starting your writing project. Make sure that you have something to say, that you are clear on where your story is going and that you are passionate and excited about it.

Don’t think about editing.

If you write and edit at the same time it will be difficult to really get into your story and you’ll often finish a writing session feeling as though you haven’t achieved anything. Try, if you can, to just get your story down in the first instance, and then edit afterwards. If you can’t bear to do that, at least wait until you’ve finished a chapter before you go back and start to edit what you have written.

Make time for your writing

The more you write, the easier it will be. That’s just a fact. If you can make time for your writing, even if it is just a little bit every day, you’ll keep your writing muscles working. If you wait months in between each bout of writing, it could take you ages to get back into the swing of things again, and your book will take so much longer as a result.

Keep learning.

The more you learn, the more you’ll be inspired to write. Learning can take many different forms. It may be studying the craft, experimenting with different writing styles, reading books from authors you admire, or simply going out in into the world and observing everything you can. Whatever you do try to keep learning, being curious and inspired by the world around you.

By doing the above you can help to keep those writing muscles working, keep your inner critic at bay, become a more prolific writer and keep improving all the while too!

Bethany Cadman -author of 'Doctor Vanilla's Sunflowers'

Bethany Cadman -author of 'Doctor Vanilla's Sunflowers'

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