The Best Christmas Gifts For Writers

By on December 10, 2016
The Best Christmas Gifts For Writers - Writer's

We think writers are some of the easiest people to buy for; they are always eyeing up a new piece of stationary or desperate to get their hands on a novel that has just been released! However, if you have a writer in your life and are having a bit of ‘writer’s block’ when it comes to buying them a Christmas gift then never fear! Help is at hand.

Here are some gifts that are sure to put a smile on any writers face.

A diary

Writers often find it difficult to juggle their time effectively. Buy them a great diary to help them! A diary is useful for keeping up with all the appointments and ‘to do’ lists of everyday life, but you could also encourage them to have a separate ‘writing’ diary. They could use this to keep track of their writing, to schedule in time to write and to set aims and goals for themselves. It might just be the best present you’ve ever given them.

A notebook

Writers are nothing without their notebooks, and for most, it is a true pleasure to pull theirs out and scribble in ideas, words, quotes, and pictures of things that help them create. Make their note taking a true pleasure by getting them a notebook you know they will love. They might prefer a pocket-sized thing that is easy to carry around or a great heaving beast they can cram with cuttings and write in until it’s all falling to bits and bursting at the seams!

A writing retreat

If you want to treat your writer to a truly special gift this Christmas, why not book them on a writers retreat? This is the perfect gift for those writers who want to get more writing done but never feel they have any time to do it. Give them this as a Christmas gift, and then they’ll have no excuse!

A promise to be their biggest fan

It might sound cheesy, but often writing can be a lonely job. This Christmas why not make a cute card or certificate that says that you are their biggest fan, along with a promise to always support them, read their work, and write great reviews for them too of course!

A word a day books

Words are a writer's best friend, but they can also be pesky little troublemakers at times. Make sure your loved one never gets writer's block again with a word a day book. There are loads of different versions out there which help writers expand their vocabulary, learn the history and origin of different words and discover some great new parts of the English language they never knew existed!

A collection of books you think they’d love

Writers love to read, and the more we read, the better we get at our craft. Why not give a writer a selection of different books you think would inspire them or just ones that you hold dear yourself? Write a little note in each explaining why you think they would love it - they are sure to find it truly touching, and you never know, it might inspire their next great novel!

Story cubes

Story cubes are the perfect gift for writers! Whenever they get stuck for something to write, they can use these great little cubes to come up with ideas for new ones. They are so much fun to use and brilliant for motivating writers to get down to work as well.

Writing software

A more practical gift, but still a good one. There is some brilliant writing software out there that can really help the writer in your life with getting that novel down and keeping track of editing. It might not be pretty or romantic, but they are still sure to appreciate it.

These great gifts will go down a treat with the writer in your life. So what are you waiting for? Get shopping now!

Bethany Cadman -author of 'Doctor Vanilla's Sunflowers'

Bethany Cadman -author of 'Doctor Vanilla's Sunflowers'

About Ty Cohen