All posts tagged "advice for writers"

  • Are You Publishing Too Soon?

    We all know how wonderful that feeling is - where you’ve finally finished your book, and you realize all the blood, sweat and tears you’ve poured into it are totally worth it. Finishing one's book is a...

    • Posted July 24, 2019
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  • Pinterest For Writers

    When it comes to marketing your book, it’s good to have a plan. Using online platforms to help promote your book is a cheap (often free) way to connect with new readers and gather fans. While some...

    • Posted July 23, 2019
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  • How To Be Realistic About Your Writing Goals

    Writers need to set goals for themselves, we all know that. Without goals it’s all too easy to start procrastinating and to find that other things in your life begin to take priority. Without goals you may...

    • Posted July 22, 2019
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  • Your Step By Step Guide To Query Letter Writing - Writer's
    Your Step By Step Guide To Query Letter Writing

    If you've finished and edited your novel and have decided to take the plunge and start sending it off to publishers, you need to understand how to write an effective query letter. Query letter writing should not...

    • Posted July 17, 2019
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  • How To Have More Confidence In Your Writing

    Being a confident writer is so important. If you have confidence in your writing you are so much more likely to want to continue to do it, to send it off to publishers or self-publish, to market...

    • Posted July 17, 2019
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  • How To Know When To Abandon A Writing Project

    While starting any writing project can be exhilarating, there are times where after the initial burst of enthusiasm and excitement, your passion for the project begins to fade, it becomes more cumbersome to write, and you wonder...

    • Posted July 17, 2019
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  • The Importance of Finishing What You Start - Writer's
    The Importance of Finishing What You Start

    For many writers, one of the hardest parts of the job is finishing what we start. We often find ourselves suddenly with an incredible idea in our heads, one that makes us a little sweaty of palm,...

    • Posted July 4, 2019
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  • How To Write Your First Stage Play

    Writing a play can be an incredibly rewarding task, though challenging too. A good play will not only tell a story but will also evoke a vast range of emotions in the reader, and you can strive...

    • Posted July 3, 2019
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  • How To Use Line Editing To Transform Your Novel - Writer's
    How To Use Line Editing To Transform Your Novel

    Have you heard of a technique called line editing? Well, if you haven’t, now is the time to explore it. Line editing can be a fantastic method to use when editing your novel. Want to find out...

    • Posted June 27, 2019
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  • How Come Your Books Never Get Reviews? - Writer's
    How Come Your Books Never Get Reviews?

    We’ve all been there, when we excitedly hit publish and see our book go alive, available to the public to buy, and then wait, and wait, and nothing happens. Getting reviews for your book can be a...

    • Posted June 26, 2019
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