Perfect Vacations For Writers

By on April 30, 2018
Perfect Vacations For Writers - Writer's

Sometimes we all need to get away from it all, and finding the perfect destination to inspire you as a writer can mean that you return with renewed energy and passion for your writing.

While some people love to use their vacation time to spend serious hours getting more of their manuscript finished and so want somewhere quiet and calm with no distractions, others prefer to use holiday time to explore new places, try new things and have new adventures that will give them more material for their work.

Now that summer is nearly upon us; many writers are no doubt beginning to plot their next vacation. Here are some tips and ideas to try and find the perfect destination to boost your writing.

Take a cruise

A cruise could be the ideal destination for writers. Not only are there plenty of places to relax and unwind, but you are also bound to meet lots of different characters to inspire you too. Cruises are the perfect places to people watch while soaking up the sunshine and visiting some pretty awesome places at the same time.

Go too far-flung places

Far-flung places are not only exciting because you’ll hopefully immerse yourself in different cultures and landscapes but they also give you plenty of uninterrupted writing time on your flight (or however you chose to get there). Getting a good chunk of work done before you go on holiday can give you the permission you need to truly relax, and the journey back can be spent going through all your notes and pictures and coming up with new stories to write about when you get home.

Head off the beaten track

Nature can be pretty inspiring, and heading somewhere genuinely breathtaking where it’s just you and your thoughts and the beauty of nature can be the perfect place to allow you to find new inspiration, peace and quiet, as well as get some serious words down on paper!

Go somewhere that tests your limits

We all have places that we’d like to visit but seem a little daunting, it could be you want to do a challenge like a famous walking trail or mountain, or perhaps you’ve never travelled solo, and the idea of going somewhere alone frightens you a little. Getting out of your comfort zone and going to places that push you to your limits, that scare you and where you'll be forced into situations that you may find daunting or that take you out of your comfort zone could be the ideal way to meet new people and have experiences you would not have otherwise had.

So next time you are plotting a vacation, why not think about somewhere that will not only give you a fantastic and memorable experience but will also help you with your writing too? That way you can come back, refreshed and relaxed, or pumped and exhilarated, but either way ready to put pen to paper and get that book finished!

Bethany Cadman -author of 'Doctor Vanilla's Sunflowers'

Bethany Cadman -author of 'Doctor Vanilla's Sunflowers'

About Ty Cohen