How To Make A Writing Buddy

By on October 26, 2017
How To Make A Writing Buddy - Writer's

Having a writing buddy can be so helpful. Writing is so often a solitary pursuit and while it’s great to get your head down, avoid any distractions and try to get into the writing ‘zone,' it's also good to get out there and meet fellow writers too. If you don’t have anyone to bounce ideas off, to help constructively criticise your work, or just to share the highs and lows with, it can get pretty lonely, and also tough to stay on track.

A writing buddy:

Helps you stick to deadlines
Gives you useful feedback and advice
Is a great person to share ideas with and explore how you can take them further
Helps you if you feel like you are suffering from writer's block
Will celebrate/ commiserate with you when the time comes
Is just nice to have around, so you don’t end up talking to yourself!

So how do you find one?

Luckily there are plenty of places where you can try to find a writing buddy, here are some of the best:

Online forums

There are plenty of online forums where writers meet virtually to share their work, discuss ideas and help one another. The advantage of this is that you can do it from anywhere in the world, while still receiving lots of the benefits of having a writing buddy.

Local writing clubs

Most places have local writing clubs which you’ll be able to join and where you can meet like-minded people. These are great for people who want to find writing friends and who love face to face meet-ups.

Writing courses

Writing courses are naturally great places to meet fellow writers. Not only will the course help you to shape up your writing and hopefully give you the determination and motivation to keep it up, but when the course has finished if you stay in touch with the writer’s you met. This way you can develop solid relationships and continue to help and inspire one another as you continue your writing journey.

Local adverts

If you want a writing buddy, you don’t have to wait around to get one. Many creative people often post adverts in local papers, on noticeboards in shops or online to try and get groups of like-minded people together to work. If you can’t find anywhere why not try and set one up yourself?!

Remember, once you’ve established these relationships you need to ensure that it’s mutually beneficial, so be prepared to help your writing buddy work through their problems, give them encouragement and become invested in their work too! It’s a two-way street remember!

Finding a writing buddy can be so helpful for writers, even those lone wolves who mostly prefer to work alone. So if you are looking for someone to help keep you motivated and inspired and help you improve your writing, why not try and find a writing buddy today?

Bethany Cadman -author of 'Doctor Vanilla's Sunflowers'

Bethany Cadman -author of 'Doctor Vanilla's Sunflowers'

About Ty Cohen