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  • Ray Bradbury's Tips For Writers - Writer's
    Ray Bradbury’s Tips For Writers

    Share, Pin or Retweet If You Love Writing! Like fellow genre icon Stephen King, Ray Bradbury has reached far beyond his established audience by offering writing advice to anyone who puts pen to paper. (Or keys to...

    • Posted April 8, 2015
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  • 3 Ways To Make More Money Writing - Writer's
    3 Ways To Make More Money Writing

    Share, Pin or Retweet If You Like Writing! Do you feel like it’s a pipe dream to make a living as a freelance writer? I hear a lot of comments like this from writers who are about...

    • Posted April 7, 2015
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  • How To Organize Ideas For A Novel

    Share, Pin or Retweet If You Love Writing What if you have so many ideas for your novel that the idea of an outline completely overwhelms you? It’s good writing practice to keep a notebook or paper...

    • Posted April 6, 2015
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  • Where to Find Free Images for Blogging - Writer's
    Where to Find Free Images for Blogging

    Share, Pin Or Retweet If You Like Writing As bloggers, we all need images to illustrate our posts. There are many ways to get these images. There are also a lot of pitfalls if you accidently download...

    • Posted April 1, 2015
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  • Promoting Author Pages on Facebook - Writer's
    Promoting Author Pages on Facebook

    Share, Pin or Retweet If You Like Writing! Do authors need two Facebook pages? The tech tools enable it; the new digital rules guide it, and all the pieces of your author platform fit and work together...

    • Posted March 31, 2015
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  • Writing With Every Sense But What You See - Writer's
    Writing With Every Sense But What You See

    Share, Pin or Retweet if you love writing! The smell of incense is thick and heady, mingling with the hours-old scent of burnt toast. Outside, it’s quiet except for the shrill yap of a dog or the...

    • Posted March 27, 2015
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  • Staying Sane While Writing Fiction - Writer's
    Staying Sane While Writing Fiction

    Share, pin or retweet if you love writing! Sometimes writing can be so difficult, so terrifying, you experience a shaky, out-of-control feeling. You might be tempted to shut down that flow of energy and regain your sense of control....

    • Posted March 26, 2015
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  • Personal Tragedies Can Be Themes For Fiction - Writer's
    Personal Tragedies Can Be Themes For Fiction

    Share, Pin or Retweet You Love Writing! Confession: I’ve had unshakable Blogger’s Block for about a week, and I considered offering up my spot to a guest more than once. None of the topics I came up...

    • Posted March 25, 2015
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  • Should You Use An Omniscient Narrator? - Writer's
    Should You Use An Omniscient Narrator?

    Share, Pin or Retweet This Post If You Like Writing! Partway through writing my first novel, I had a terrifying realization: I needed an omniscient narrator. My novel was about a family paralyzed by secrets, where every...

    • Posted March 24, 2015
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  • On Being A Misunderstood Creative Writer - Writer's
    On Being A Misunderstood Creative Writer

    Share, Pin or Retweet If You Love Writing! I have this belief that creative people are more misunderstood than “normal” people. Why is this? Maybe it’s because creative people think outside the box (the truth is often...

    • Posted March 23, 2015
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  • Ernest Hemingway's Tips on Writing Fiction - Writer's
    Ernest Hemingway’s Tips on Writing Fiction

    Share, Pin Or Tweet If You Love Writing! Before he was a big game hunter, before he was a deep-sea fisherman, Ernest Hemingway was a craftsman who would rise very early in the morning and write. His...

    • Posted March 20, 2015
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  • Stephen King’s Top 20 Writing Rules

    Share, Pin or Retweet If You Love Writing In one of my favorite Stephen King interviews, for The Atlantic, he talks at length about the vital importance of a good opening line. “There are all sorts of...

    • Posted March 19, 2015
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  • Writing With Emotional Resonance to Grip Attention - Writer's L
    Writing With Emotional Resonance to Grip Attention

    Share, Pin or Retweet This is You Love Writing! There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed. ~ Hemingway. Naked emotions? Like I felt when I finally gave up...

    • Posted March 18, 2015
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  • The Top 5 Grammatical Errors That Make You Look Unprofess
    The Top 5 Grammatical Errors That Make You Look Unprofessional

    "Pin, Share or Retweet If You Like Writing." One thing blogging and good copywriting share is a conversational style, and that means it’s fine to fracture the occasional rule of proper grammar in order to communicate effectively. Both...

    • Posted March 17, 2015
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