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  • Fixing Up Your Old Neglected Blog Content - Writer's
    Fixing Up Your Old Neglected Blog Content

    Share, Pin or Retweet If You Love Blogging! What exactly is expired content? It’s those old sales pages, obsolete product pages, and other outdated content. The pages you’ve forgotten about in your archives that desperately need some...

    • Posted April 30, 2015
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  • 3 Ways To Be Paid More For Blogging Jobs - Writer's
    3 Ways To Be Paid More For Blogging Jobs

    Share, Pin or Retweet If You Like Writing! Are you tired of competing with countless other bloggers for every advertised gig you find? Do you wish you could reliably earn $100, $200, $500, or evenmore per article...

    • Posted April 28, 2015
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  • Persistence and The Delusion of Writer Success - Writer's Life.or
    Persistence and The Delusion of Writer Success

    Share, Pin or Retweet If You Love Writing! “Persistence.” It was the answer to a question posed to Kevin J. Anderson in an interview, about what he thought a writer required most in order to succeed in...

    • Posted April 27, 2015
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  • Yes, You Can Earn $250 an Hour As A Writer! - Writer's Life.or
    Yes, You Can Earn $250 an Hour As A Writer!

      Share, Pin or Retweet If You Love Writing! How sweet it would be to earn $250 per hour — as a writer, no less. Sounds like a crazy dream, right? It’s kind of like your dream...

    • Posted April 24, 2015
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  • Always Offer Your Book Buyers A 100% Money Back Guarantee! - W
    Always Offer Your Book Buyers A 100% Money Back Guarantee!

    Share, Pin or Retweet  If You Love Writing! “If you don’t like my book, I’ll buy it back from you.” Of you bought a car and it didn’t work right, you’d bring it back to the dealership. If...

    • Posted April 23, 2015
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  • The 9 Daily Rituals of Great Writers - Writer's
    The 9 Daily Rituals of Great Writers

    Share, Pin or Retweet If You Love Writing! You’re a writer, a content creator. People expect you to churn out really good, really engaging, and really awesome content. What they don’t realize is that it takes some...

    • Posted April 22, 2015
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  • 5 Things Writers Do on Facebook to Lose Followers - Writer's Lif
    5 Things Writers Do on Facebook to Lose Followers

    Share, Pin or Retweet If You Love Writing To be honest, I wish I didn't have to write a post like this. But lately I've had a slew of really annoying Facebook interactions and as a result...

    • Posted April 21, 2015
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  • Write A Blog They Can't Forget!! - Writer's
    Write A Blog They Can’t Forget!!

    Share, Pin or Retweet If You Love Writing! Can I tell you my worst nightmare? I’m lying in bed in a nursing home, sick and dying, gasping for breath, knowing that any minute now I’ll be passing...

    • Posted April 20, 2015
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  • How to Be Your Own Editor

    Share, Pin or Retweet If You Love Writing! I know it’s hard not to get carried away, telling everyone everything you’ve ever wanted to say about a subject. Especially online, when blogs are creative outlets, and there...

    • Posted April 16, 2015
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  • How to Find Your Most Profitable Blogging Niche - Writer's Life
    How to Find Your Most Profitable Blogging Niche

    Share, Pin or Retweet If You Love Writing! You want to be a writer. You know that. But what you don’t know is what the heck you want to write about. And there are so many choices...

    • Posted April 15, 2015
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  • Three Tips for Focused, Effective Writing - Writer's
    Three Tips for Focused, Effective Writing

    Share, Pin or Retweet If You Love Writing! I made an important realization recently. I couldn’t seem to focus when I tried to write. I felt anxious and worried, while my thoughts and my stomach whirled together…...

    • Posted April 14, 2015
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  • Does Drug and Alcohol Use Improve Your Writing? - Writer's
    Does Drug and Alcohol Use Improve Your Writing?

    Share, Pin or Retweet If You Love to Write! Using marijuana will almost certainly give you the munchies, but it will likely not give your brain a creative boost. So say researchers in an article in the journal Psychopharmacology as...

    • Posted April 13, 2015
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  • How to Avoid Self-Publishing Scams - Writer's
    How to Avoid Self-Publishing Scams

    Share, Pin or Retweet If You Love Writing! Many self-publishers start their book projects with unre­al­is­tic expec­ta­tions and mis­un­der­stand­ings about how pub­lish­ing works. A huge indus­try has arisen to prey on writ­ers who are unsure of the...

    • Posted April 10, 2015
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  • Rules For Mastering the Writing Business - Writer's
    Rules For Mastering the Writing Business

    Share, Pin or Retweet if You Like Writing. “When I began as a writer, no one sent me warnings about what to expect. I understood that, as in any industry, hard work for success was a given....

    • Posted April 9, 2015
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