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  • How To Finish Your Novel - Writer's
    How To Finish Your Novel

    Writing a novel is a time consuming, laborious process that takes passion, creativity, energy and hard work. It’s real blood, sweat and tears stuff that can see us waking in the night in a cold sweat, muttering...

    • Posted November 30, 2015
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  • A Writer's Guide To Ulysses - Writer's
    A Writer’s Guide To Ulysses

    Hello, and welcome back to Writer’s Life! Today I am offering a writer’s guide to Ulysses, a text editor for Macintosh and iPad. Ulysses touts itself as a simple text editor that “lets you focus when you...

    • Posted November 30, 2015
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  • A Writer's Guide To Scrivener - Writer's
    A Writer’s Guide To Scrivener

    Welcome back to Writer’s Life! Today’s topic is a writer’s guide to Scrivener, an application for Mac and PC (and Linux, though without formal support). It is designed to be a complete package for a writer to...

    • Posted November 27, 2015
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  • How to Start Your Novel - Writer's
    The Beginners Checklist to Writing A Novel

    You think the opening to every novel is different? That perhaps there is no right or wrong way to start? We have all heard the phrase ‘begin at the beginning’ but what exactly does that mean? In...

    • Posted November 27, 2015
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  • A Writer's Guide To Microsoft Word - Writer's
    A Writer’s Guide To Microsoft Word

    Welcome back to WritersLife.ORG! Today, I’ll be presenting a writer’s guide to Microsoft Word. Word is the most commonly used application for word processing and writing, and has become the de facto standard for publishers and agents...

    • Posted November 25, 2015
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  • Create A Business Plan For Your Book - Writer's
    Create A Business Plan For Your Book

    Many writers think that completing their book is the hardest part, and while that may be true in some ways, it s also important to give careful consideration to what you do with it afterwards. For most...

    • Posted November 25, 2015
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  • Can You Really Make Freelance Writing Your Career? - Writer'
    Can You Really Make Freelance Writing Your Career?

    Deciding to pack in your day job and go freelance, whatever field you are in, can be really daunting, and the writing world is certainly no exception. However if you have a passion and a drive to...

    • Posted November 23, 2015
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  • 5 Tools For Writers: A Roundup - Writer's
    5 Tools For Writers: A Roundup

    5 Tools For Writers: A Roundup Hello! Welcome to the Writer’s Life Roundup of 5 Tools For Writers. Today’s topic is an overview of 5 commonly used tools that can help a writer organize, produce, and prepare...

    • Posted November 23, 2015
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  • Should You Join A Writers Critique Group? - Writer's
    Should You Join A Writers Critique Group?

    Writers often struggle when it comes to sharing their work with others, and the idea of being criticised, mocked or simply people misinterpreting your writing can mean that many end up sitting on their work, refusing to...

    • Posted November 20, 2015
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  • How To Promote Yourself On Amazon Kindle - Writer's
    How To Promote Yourself On Amazon Kindle

    Amazon is one of the most popular market places for buying books whether they be fiction or non-fiction, or even scholarly texts. In fact almost any book in any genre can be found on Amazon, and it...

    • Posted November 19, 2015
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  • Tips on How To Bring Order To Your Writing - Writer's
    Tips on How To Bring Order To Your Writing

    Writing is often a chaotic and messy process. Often we have so many ideas that we end up drowning in a pile of half written sentences, scraps of paper, and middle of the night thoughts that we...

    • Posted November 19, 2015
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  • What Makes Writers Write?

    Writing is a torturous and glorious process. It hurts and satisfies, exasperates, frustrates, and pleases. It makes us feel on top of the world one day, and completely miserable the next. It sees us staring at walls...

    • Posted November 13, 2015
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  • Should Amazon Self-Publishers Write Longer Books?- copy - W
    Should Amazon Self-Publishers Write Longer Books?- copy

    Share, Pin or Retweet If You Love Writing! Authors who use Amazon’s KDP Select program, which includes the Kindle Lending Library and Kindle Unlimited, will be compensated in a new way as of July 1, 2015. Previously,...

    • Posted November 11, 2015
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  • 5 Tips For Authors On How To Deal With Rejection - Writer's Life
    5 Tips For Authors On How To Deal With Rejection

    There is no writer on this planet who hasn’t had to deal with rejection at some point. Whether it be a rejection from a publisher, or simply a teacher, colleague, parent or friend saying they didn’t enjoy...

    • Posted November 10, 2015
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