All posts by Ty Cohen

  • How To Write Attention-Grabbing Headlines - Writer's
    How To Write Attention-Grabbing Headlines

    All freelance writers know that if there is one thing that is going to make a huge difference to your writing success, it’s getting it noticed by more people. There is an enormous amount of content out...

    • Posted October 7, 2016
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  • Attract Your Perfect Audience - Avoid These Common Mistakes
    Attract Your Perfect Audience – Avoid These Common Mistakes

    It’s easy when just starting out in the writing world to make a few errors here and there. However, when it comes to identifying and trying to communicate with your target audience, the fewer, the better! Every...

    • Posted October 6, 2016
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  • Increase Your Book Sales - Top Tips To Get Your Book Noticed
    Increase Your Book Sales – Top Tips To Get Your Book Noticed

    At the end of the day, all authors who have written book have one goal in common - to sell more copies of it. It doesn’t matter what success means to you; it doesn’t matter whether you...

    • Posted October 6, 2016
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  • Great Ideas For Your Author Blog

    We all know that writing an author blog is a great idea. It helps you to connect with your readers, allows you to market your work and keep fans up to date with what you are up...

    • Posted October 4, 2016
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  • Create A Brilliant Book Contest And Attract More Readers - Writers Life
    Create A Brilliant Book Contest And Attract More Readers

    One of the best ways to get more people to read and review your book is to create a book giveaway competition. Let’s face it, everyone loves a freebie, so if you can offer a few copies...

    • Posted October 3, 2016
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  • Do You Consider Writing To Be Working? - Writer's
    Do You Consider Writing To Be Working?

    I don’t know if you are anything like me, but sometimes I find it hard to get people to take me seriously. Not because of my childlike wonder at the world or giddy sense of humour but...

    • Posted October 2, 2016
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  • 5 Goals Every Content Marketer Should Have - Writer's
    5 Goals Every Content Marketer Should Have

    To be a successful content writer you need to set yourself some goals. If you continuously work towards these, then you will always be learning, striving for more and ultimately improving your business. All the little bits...

    • Posted September 30, 2016
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  • Copywriting: How To Get Ahead Of The Game - Writer's
    Copywriting: How To Get Ahead Of The Game

    If you are a copywriter, you will no doubt be aware of just how much competition you are up against. Every time you sit down to write a new piece of content, or when you release it...

    • Posted September 29, 2016
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  • When You should Turn A Publishing Deal Down - Writer's Life.
    When You should Turn A Publishing Deal Down

    It is every author's dream to land themselves a publishing deal, and many authors spend years trying to secure one. The publishing business is hugely competitive, now perhaps more so than ever, and so if you do...

    • Posted September 29, 2016
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  • Hybrid Publishing - What Is It All About? - Writer's
    Hybrid Publishing – What Is It All About?

    It wasn’t so long ago that as an author they only way for your work to see the light of day was to try and land yourself a publishing deal. This made it extremely challenging and daunting...

    • Posted September 28, 2016
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