Twitter Tips For Every Writer

By on June 29, 2017
Twitter Tips For Every Writer - Writer's

Some authors embrace social media, others hate it. But there is no denying that having a strong following on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter can really make a huge difference to your success as an author.

Tweeting can leave some authors flummoxed, and while they are perfectly comfortable hidden away writing their stories and developing their characters, when it comes to speaking out on social media, they haven’t a clue what to say.

With that in mind here are some useful Twitter tips to help you improve your profile and boost your following.

Have a great bio

Make your bio really stand out. Try to be unique and witty as well as informative. Try to capture what you are about and hint at what your feed might be about too. As well as this include links to your website or book and have a professional, approachable looking picture of yourself. If you can get a professional headshot - all the better. Use the cover image to your advantage and place your book cover there - this will stick in users minds.

Keep tweets short and sweet

So we know that Twitter only allows us to post messages that are 140 characters or less, and sometimes if you have got something to say, that can feel a little tricky. However, research has shown that shorter tweets get the most engagement. Try to keep yours under 100 characters and you could see a difference in how many people react and share.

Pin a great tweet to the top of your page

Twitter has a feature where you can pin a tweet to the top of your feed so this is the first thing new potential followers will see. Make it the best one you can, or the one you’ve got the most engagements from - you can change it whenever you like too.

Follow the 80/ 20 rule

The most expert Twitter users know that the best way to keep their followers interested, and gain new ones is by not making their accounts all ‘me, me, me.’ Make sure you share informative or entertaining articles, retweet other users, like and share posts, engage and comment on other users posts (preferably those with larger followings) and only occasionally promote yourself and your work.

Use relevant hashtags

Hashtags may seem confusing at first but just think of them as a way of indexing your tweets so that other users who are looking for similar content will find yours. Hashtags such as #amwriting #writingchat #writingtips #writinggoals #writerslife are all popular and will get your tweets seen by more people.

Remember that Twitter can be an excellent networking and communication tool. Use is wisely and you can gain a great following, form productive relationships, get useful contacts, learn new things, and promote your book as well!

Bethany Cadman -author of 'Doctor Vanilla's Sunflowers'

Bethany Cadman -author of 'Doctor Vanilla's Sunflowers'

About Ty Cohen