Top Tips For Story Development

By on January 9, 2020

Do you need some great tips for story development? Read on to discover more! Having a great idea for a story is one thing. Being able to flesh it out and get it all down on paper is quite another.

One great idea doesn't necessarily make a brilliant story, and the ability to plot, and to start developing that initial spark is an essential skill that all writers need to learn to see if they have a viable plot and to make that plot then a great one.

So what are the steps necessary to develop a winning plot?

The best tips for story development

Look at examples of great stories

Your fellow writers are your best inspiration. Take a look at some of the most celebrated works of fiction and make notes about how the plot develops and the different layers, twists, and turns that are used to create a compelling and riveting story. The more research you do, the more familiar you will become with the types of things you need to include to grip your reader's attention.

Use a methodical process

Plotting is all about carefully crafting and methodically mapping out your story. Great plots are all about powerful and moving ideas, combined with cleverly provoking reader curiosity and delivering compelling characters who are caught in a fantastic adventure. Using plotting tools to help guide you is a practical way to shape all your ideas, to develop characters, and to create a timeline so that you can see how your story pans out over time. You will also be able to note any points where the plot slower seems to drag and better understand how to ensure that your book remains a page tuner throughout. 

Focus on intriguing characters

A fantastic plot and intriguing characters go hand in hand, and developing your story means developing your characters also. The way your characters change and grow and react and interact with the world around them and the events that take place is essential, and getting this right makes all the difference when it comes to the success of your book. Your characters need histories, they need goals, they need obstacles, and they need relationships with other characters to make them exciting and relatable for your readers

Ask yourself the 5 W's

A plot is essentially made up of the '5 w's' – 'who', 'what', 'why', 'where' and 'when'. Answer these to ensure you stay on track and develop your story further.

Don't forget your subplots

Make sure you take time to flesh out your subplots too. Your more minor subordinate plots should support the main storyline, and enhance and compliment it rather than be a standalone thing.

Get feedback

Before you fully commit to writing your novel, it's always a good idea to get some feedback to make sure you haven't missed out on anything obvious, or there aren't any glaring holes or inconsistencies that you have missed because you are too close to it.

So now you know our top tips for story development, why not discover what makes a story interesting?

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