All posts tagged "writing for a living"

  • The Harsh Writing Advice You Need To Hear - Writer's
    The Harsh Writing Advice You Need To Hear

    We spend a lot of time telling our fellow writers to go easy on themselves. After all, we are often our own worst critics and enemies. We can be so self-critical that sometimes it stops us writing...

    • Posted May 12, 2017
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  • Can You Have Too Many Characters In Your Book?

    It is natural when writing a story to include many different characters, from your protagonist whose journey readers will follow throughout, to sub characters who play a more minor, but still important role, to those who appear...

    • Posted May 3, 2017
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  • What Will A Good Editor Do For Your Book? - Writer's
    What Will A Good Editor Do For Your Book?

    Many self-published authors find it difficult to decide whether to hire a book editor to go through their manuscript before they publish. On the one hand, it seems like a good idea and will hopefully ensure your...

    • Posted May 2, 2017
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  • How To Make Your Writing Tighter, Clearer and Better-Writer's
    How To Make Your Writing Tighter, Clearer and Better

    When it comes to editing your manuscript, it is important to pay attention to how your writing flows. Your reader should be able to read your book without effort. If your writing is confusing, wordy or awkward...

    • Posted May 2, 2017
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  • How To Make Your Writing More Dramatic - Writer's
    How To Make Your Writing More Dramatic

    Injecting drama into your writing is so important. If you don’t you are simply telling your readers about a sequence of events where perhaps nothing really happens - there is no excitement, there are no surprises. Dramatic...

    • Posted April 27, 2017
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  • How To Set Great Writing Goals - Writer's
    How To Set Great Writing Goals

    When it comes to your writing, setting achievable yet challenging goals will help to keep you focused, track your progress and keep you motivated when it comes to reaching your end goal. ‘That might be all well and...

    • Posted April 25, 2017
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  • How To Write A Helpful Book Review - Writer's
    How To Write A Helpful Book Review

    Writers need to help one another out, and where they can do so, with very little effort on their part, is by writing each other book reviews. Whether you have been asked to critique a fellow writer's...

    • Posted April 23, 2017
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  • How To Write About Your Life - Writer's
    How To Write About Your Life

    'Write what you know' is age-old writing advice that has been given to us writers time and time again. While we can decide how to interpret this, writing about your own life and your own experiences is...

    • Posted April 21, 2017
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  • Freelance Writers! Get In An Editors Good Books And Secure Future Work. -Writer's
    Freelance Writers! Get In An Editors Good Books And Secure Future Work.

    Being a freelance writer can be a tough gig at times, especially when you are just starting out. At the same time, if you become successful it can be a lucrative and rewarding career - and the...

    • Posted April 19, 2017
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  • Are You Ready To Write Full-time? Do This First! - Writer's
    Are You Ready To Write Full-time? Do This First!

    Making the decision to write full-time can feel as daunting as it is exciting. However, many writers make the decision somewhat blindly - after all, how can we predict how a freelance writing career is going to...

    • Posted April 19, 2017
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