New Year – New Writing

By on January 1, 2018

January 1st marks a fresh start in life. A new calendar, a new year, a new you, and new writing. If you’re feeling like you’re in a slump, or need fresh ideas, then now is the time to make some changes!

The beginning of a new year can either bring change or not. It’s up to you to decide. The minutia that makes up every day life certainly doesn’t change. The laundry still need to be done, dinner still needs to be cooked, and the dog still needs to be walked. But the atmosphere of life can most certainly be changed.

How we perceive life to be can be altered at any moment. It’s just that sometimes we need a special event to kick start us. And that’s the beauty of the new year. It’s a time where everyone gathers to celebrate a new beginning. And while everyone can agree on a new beginning, it’s up to the individual to interpret how that new beginning will unfold.

Will you make giant leaps into 2018? Will your long-time fantasies be played out? Or will you make subtle, but important changes to your life? The most important thing is to recognize that change is necessary. The world will continue to change whether you want it to or not, so you might as well try to change with it, for the better.

The new year can bring whatever you would like, you just need to decide what that will be. Instead of focusing on details, start with a theme. Do you want more adventure in your life? Do you want more comfort? Do you want a new purpose?

A new year can’t exist without an old year. So be sure to think back to 2017. What made last year good? What made it bad? What were the highlights and is it possible to create more of those? What didn’t work well and is it possible to eliminate those situations?

Think about how you want your life to be and go forth to create that life. This is a new year. It will be full of new wonders, new possibilities, and new writing. Make the most of it and be as happy as you can be!


About Ty Cohen