How To Write More Persuasively

By on December 6, 2016
How To Write More Persuasively - Writer's

Any piece of content needs to be able to persuade your reader. It could be to persuade them to buy your product, to agree with your perspective or just persuade them to find what you have to say entertaining or funny. Be it an article in a magazine, a blog post, a landing page for a website or any other piece of content, learning how to persuade your reader is a skill which will help engage your audience, build your following, and steer your readers to do exactly what it is you want them to do.

So how do you write more persuasively? Try these four clever tricks.

Empathise with your reader

Your reader has a problem, highlight this and tell them that it is your problem too. To persuade your reader, you need to get them on your side and a great way to do this is by making them feel listened to. You need to reach those people who are on the fence or are opposed to your way of thinking and show them how you can help them. You need to understand, in depth, the people that you are trying to convince - without doing this your argument will fall flat because they will feel that you simply don’t ‘get’ the way that they do. Put feelers out, ask questions and listen to your reader's answers - this way you can gain insight into your readers perspective and write in such a way that they feel as though someone is speaking just to them.

Keep it short and sweet

Persuasive writing is so because of it’s simplicity. When you read it, it feels as though the product the content promotes or the opinion it contains is so obviously what you need you wouldn’t even think twice about buying one, sharing the article or signing up for that newsletter to get more of the same information. When it comes to persuasive writing less is definitely more. Your argument should be clear and straightforward - remember modern attention spans don’t want to have to read a 5-page essay when they are on their commute. The want to be able to skim and dip in and out. If your argument is persuasive and your points are clear, they will also be more memorable and stick in your readers mind long after they have finished reading.

Adress objections

It is possible that when reading your content readers will come up with questions and objections. Make sure you don’t leave any questions unanswered and don’t leave any objections unresolved. If you know your subject well enough and honestly believe in what you are saying then you should be able to think of the majority of questions and objections your reader might have and tackle them head on.

Be positive and hopeful

Keep your writing positive if you want to persuade your reader, and when it comes to that all-important call to action make sure you end in a way that is hopeful, that makes the reader feel if they follow your request that something good will happen. If they feel hopeless, or like their issue won’t be resolved then they will be far less likely to do what you want them to do.

Convincing your reader can be tough, but if you want to write more persuasively try following the tips above and see if it makes a difference.

Bethany Cadman -author of 'Doctor Vanilla's Sunflowers'

Bethany Cadman -author of 'Doctor Vanilla's Sunflowers'

About Ty Cohen