How To Launch Your Writing Career

By on April 29, 2020

If you want to launch your writing career you might not know where to start. Read on to discover our top tips to help you!

If you have decided now is the time to write full-time, you need to start by immersing yourself in the craft. Writing can be a fantastic and rewarding career. But before you quit your day job and invest all your time and resources into launching your writing career, you need to ensure that you know what you are getting yourself into. 

You need to make sure that not only you understand what it takes to be a full-time writer, but that now is the right time to make this bold move. 

Once you have done so and decided that you are ready to give it your all, you need to devise a solid strategy to make sure that you hit the ground running, know how to address any obstacles that may crop up and set out your intentions and goals, so you have something tangible to work toward.

Being successful isn't just about having a passion, and it isn't just about having talent. It's about grit, determination, and perseverance. Often it can be a little about luck. It's almost always about understanding what the market wants at any given time, but most of all, it's about knuckling down and actually doing it. 

If you want to have a career in writing, you have to write. The more you write, the more you will learn, grow, and improve, and the more successful your writing career will be. 

Launch your writing career today!

Here are some things you can do in the lead up to your career change.

Launch your writing career today!

Read as much as you can. 

Write as much as you can

Take a relevant class

Call yourself a writer, and believe it when you say it.

Once you want to start, you need to put your game face on. You'll find many many reasons why quitting is a good idea. Ignore them. Don't quit. 

Learn all day

Accept that there is a learning curve, and it's never-ending. To launch your writing career on the right foot you need to take the time to study the craft, to research your writing (whether factual or fictional), to grow as a writer, to be rejected, to work really, really hard, to accept criticism and editing input, to spot your own mistakes, to understand your audiences and always be prepared to revise and reshape until you have something that's genuinely great. 

Get words on pages

Every day you need to sit down in your chair, in your office or wherever your designated writing space is, and take the time to write. Get words on pages. They won't be flawless, but if you don't write, you'll never improve. 

Learn about yourself too

Go on a journey of self-discovery. Understand what your passions are, and then take the time to indulge in them, learn about them, become an authority on them, and write about them from your unique perspective, from the heart. Develop your style, your instantly recognizable writer's voice. Work on your brand and build your fan base. Hone your writing skills every single day.

Make your website amazing

Don't forget to create a kickass website, which is your platform, and your opportunity to showcase your skills. Even if you get told you're the best, don't think it. There is always room to know more, to get better. 

Don't wait for opportunities to come to you. Get out there; make a name for yourself. Pitch to the publications that you want to write for. Build your portfolio, ask for reviews, and recommendations. Keep company with like-minded people who can inspire you, motivate you, and help you when you need it the most. 

Launching a writer career involves many different components. You need to be willing and ready to cover all aspects and do them all well in order to be truly successful. However, if you are eager to put the hours in, to take bold leaps, and to commit to the process, there is no reason why you can't enjoy a writing career that's a massive success. Good luck!

So now you know how to launch your writing career, why not discover some tips to jumpstart your creativity and boost your writing career?

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