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What Every Writer Needs

Writing can be exciting, joyful, difficult, miserable, inspiring, lonely, elating, magical and a million other things in between.
Whether you are first setting out on your writing journey, or have been writing for years, there are some things that every writer needs to help them not only write better but enjoy the process more as well.
Writing can be a tough job at times, but by preparing yourself for what’s ahead and arming yourself with a virtual toolkit of all these things, you’ll find it so much easier to make the most of your writing time and truly find pleasure and satisfaction in it too.
So what is it that every writer needs? Let’s take a look!
A support network
Writing can be isolating at times, it doesn’t really require much teamwork, especially in the early stages where it’s just you, your computer and the unnervingly blank page that seems to be boring a hole into your soul. Because of this writers need a good support network. A good support network consists of a variety of people. Great family and friends who are patient and understanding are naturally essential, but also a group of fellow writers who you can share work with, be inspired by and moan to when things aren’t going very well!
A quiet space to work
It’s rare to find a writer who doesn’t need peace and quiet to think and work. Creating your own little writing zone can be one of the best things you can do as a writer. Think about what you need and what you’d like to inspire you. Whether that’s quotes from famous authors around your walls, or a kettle nearby so you don’t have to keep getting up for tea breaks - use your imagination and create the perfect writing space for you.
A biggest fan
Every writer needs a biggest fan. It might start off as your partner, your mum, your best friend, but as you continue to put your work out there it’s so exciting to find new fans and readers that love your work. You biggest fan will read everything you write, will always leave you five-star reviews and will be happy to share and big you up in whichever which way they can!
A good notebook
An essential piece of kit for any writer is a good notebook. It doesn’t have to be fancy but it has to be something you remember to carry around with you, fill with your notes, inspirations and observations - for you never know when an amazing idea might strike!
A bad review
All writers need to get their first bad review under their belt. It’s a milestone, a coming of age moment, where you realise you’re a real writer. Remember not everyone can like your work, but at least they are reading it!
A writing schedule
A writing schedule is a helpful way to make sure you stay on track, keep focused and never stop writing. For some, writing comes naturally, but for most, we need a little self-imposed discipline! A writing schedule you know you’ll stick to will give you just that.
An honest critique
We all need someone we can trust to give us honest feedback on our work. Without them, we run the risk of being like one of those X Factor contestants that’s been brought up to believe they have the voice of an angel, where, in reality, they sound like a bag of screeching cats. Find someone you can trust to give you honest, helpful, and fair feedback, your work will be so much better as a result.
A good editor
Where would we be without our editors eh? A good editor can turn your words into works of art! They are there to help you improve, to make sure your manuscript is flawless and give you the best chance of success with your book - a good editor is priceless!
So there you have it, the essential tools of any writer’s toolkit - what would you add?

Bethany Cadman -author of 'Doctor Vanilla's Sunflowers'