All posts by Ty Cohen

  • Expert Rules for Writing Fiction - Writer's
    Expert Rules for Writing Fiction

    "Share, Like or Tweet If You Love Writing" Elmore Leonard: Using adverbs is a mortal sin 1 Never open a book with weather. If it's only to create atmosphere, and not a charac­ter's reaction to the weather, you...

    • Posted March 5, 2015
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  • Fictional Writing Tips from the Experts - Writer's
    Fictional Writing Tips from the Experts

    "Share, Like or Tweet If You Love Writing" The more I explore fiction writing, the more complex and multi-layered it becomes. Through the processes of brainstorming, outlining, researching, writing, and revising, I have discovered countless details that...

    • Posted March 5, 2015
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  • How a Book Gets Published - Writer's
    How a Book Gets Published

    "Share, Like or Tweet If You Love Writing" It occurred to me over the weekend that I've never really done a nuts and bolts post for those just beginning to familiarize themselves with the publishing process. How...

    • Posted March 5, 2015
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  • Publishing Secrets that Every Writer Needs to Know - Writer's
    Publishing Secrets that Every Writer Needs to Know

    "Share, Like or Tweet If You Love Writing" Paris Hilton has one. Rob Lowe has one too. Even Sharon Osbourne’s got one. Get your mind out of the gutter people — I’m talking about books. Even with all...

    • Posted March 5, 2015
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  • Top Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Novel - Writer's
    Top Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Novel

    "Share, Like or Tweet If You Love Writing" Feeling the pinch? Been kicked off your perch and into the gutter? Why not salvage your sad finances by writing a best-selling novel. One out of two people polled...

    • Posted March 5, 2015
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  • 10 Musts for Writing a Book - Writer's
    10 Musts for Writing a Book

    "Share, Like or Tweet If You Love Writing" 1. Take one fabulous idea It's impossible to overstate the importance of your concept in terms of how successful your book becomes. Stephenie Meyer writes perfectly good, competent prose...

    • Posted March 5, 2015
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  • The Truth: How to Write a Book - Writer's
    The Truth: How to Write a Book

    "Share, Like or Tweet If You Love Writing" Every author I know gets asked the same question: How do you write a book? It’s a simple question, but it causes unexpected problems. On the one hand, it’s nice...

    • Posted March 5, 2015
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  • 5 Things That Your Writing Clients Want to Hear Before They
    5 Things That Your Writing Clients Want to Hear Before They Hire

    Share, Pin or Retweet If You Love Writing! You don’t understand what happened. You’ve lost the gig… but everything was going so well! The client seemed keen to work with you, you’d hammered out the details, and...

    • Posted March 5, 2015
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  • Just Say No to Being Paid a Penny Per Word! - Writer's
    Just Say No to Being Paid a Penny Per Word!

    "Share, Tweet or Like This Post If You Write!" I was recently on a writer’s forum where a writer posted that he was writing articles for a penny a word and wondering if that was wise. The...

    • Posted March 4, 2015
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  • The 5 Easy Ways to Quickly Go From Part-Time Hobby Write
    The 5 Easy Ways to Quickly Go From Part-Time Hobby Writer to A Full-Time Paid Writer, Living Your Dream Life

    "Share, Tweet or Like This Post If You Write!" Starting out as a freelance writer can be tough. It can take a long time to start earning a good living. But you don’t have to starve while...

    • Posted March 3, 2015
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