All posts by Ty Cohen

  • 5 Tools For Citations And Bibliographies - Writer's
    5 Tools For Citations And Bibliographies

    Hello, and welcome back to Writer’s Life! Today I’ll be introducing 5 tools for citations and bibliographies. These tools will be more useful to writers of non-fiction, or research materials, but sometimes even fiction writers might want...

    • Posted December 25, 2015
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  • 5 Questions You Should Ask Your Agent - Writer's
    5 Questions You Should Ask Your Agent

    So you have been offered representation from an agent? Congratulations! All writers know that this is a massive achievement, and with competition fiercer than ever these days it is definitely something worth celebrating. Before you sign on...

    • Posted December 23, 2015
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  • 5 Tips On Writing Great Dialogue - Writer's
    5 Tips On Writing Great Dialogue

    One of the biggest problems fiction writers face is when trying to write dialogue. Great dialogue is so important in writing, it brings characters to life, it drives the plot forward, and presents exciting information to the...

    • Posted December 23, 2015
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  • 5 Tools To Brainstorm Your Next Writing Project - Writer's
    5 Tools To Brainstorm Your Next Writing Project

    Hello, and welcome back to Writer’s Life! Today I’m discussing 5 tools to brainstorm your next writing project. Sometimes, as writers, we occasionally get stuck needing to generate ideas for blog topics, short stories, or even to...

    • Posted December 23, 2015
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  • 5 Steps To Better Revising - Writer's
    5 Steps To Better Revising

    Hello, and welcome back to Writer’s Life! Today, I’d like to give you 5 steps to better revising. For many of us, the joy of writing is in the creation, being surprised by our character’s actions and...

    • Posted December 21, 2015
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  • Past Or Present Tense - The Pro's and Cons - Writer's
    Past Or Present Tense – The Pro’s and Cons

    When creating any new piece of writing, selecting the tense in which to write is often something an author struggles with. Not long ago writing in the past tense was strongly favoured, and particularly with works of fiction...

    • Posted December 18, 2015
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  • A Writer's Guide To Social Media Management Tools - Writer's
    A Writer’s Guide To Social Media Management Tools

    Hello, and welcome back to Writer’s! Today I’ll provide you with a writer’s guide to social media management tools. Social media is one of the best ways a writer can establish and maintain their Author Brand...

    • Posted December 18, 2015
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  • How To Create Great Characters For Your Novel - Writer's
    How To Create Great Characters For Your Novel

    One of the most important ingredients when writing a novel is creating brilliant characters, ones who appeal to your reader, who they can engage and identify with, who excite them, scare them, or make them angry, happy...

    • Posted December 16, 2015
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  • 5 Ways A Writer Can Optimize Social Media - Writer's
    5 Ways A Writer Can Optimize Social Media

    Hello, and welcome back to Writer's Life! Today, I'd like to discuss with you 5 ways a writer can optimize social media. These tips and tricks will help you grow your network, help establish & maintain your...

    • Posted December 16, 2015
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  • A Writer's Guide To Handling Success - Writer's
    A Writer’s Guide To Handling Success

    As writers, we frequently deal with the sting of rejection, from agents (sometimes by the dozens) who politely—or not so politely—decline our query letters to 1-star reviews or negative commentary in blogs or social media. When we...

    • Posted December 14, 2015
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