Article Editing Tips

By on July 8, 2020

Article editing can be tricky - learn how to make the job easier with our top tips!

When it comes to editing our work, many writers can quickly become overwhelmed. Writing passionately and creatively about a topic is one thing, but polishing it to the point where it's ready to be published and shared is quite another.

So what are thing things that you can do during the editing process to ensure that every piece you write goes out in the best possible shape?

Article editing advice for every writer!

Here are some useful tips:

Put yourself in your reader's shoes

Hopefully, before you started writing your article, you did some research and gave some thought to who the intended reader might be. Now that it's written, you need to read it through their eyes and try to establish whether it conveys the right message and the valuable information that they crave. Ask yourself whether your reader would be interested in your piece? Would they understand it? Is it going to be valuable? Would they be inspired to act upon it? These are all crucial points that can help ensure your message is spot on.

Read it aloud

Reading your work aloud before you publish or submit it is one of the most helpful things you can do. Reading aloud allows you to spot errors more quickly and get a proper feel for the tone and flow of your piece.

Kill those darlings

You have to accept that with almost every piece of writing you create, you'll need to cut about ten percent to make it clear, sharp, and as informative as possible. Creative people, unfortunately, find this rather painful. However, your writing will be leaner, smarter, and more effective because of it, so start cutting pronto!

Don't let your ego get in the way

If you are struggling to find things to change, it's probably your writer's ego rearing its ugly head. It can be challenging to shift your perspective to see how your piece will best serve your reader, but until you can do that, you won't do your work justice - and surely, that's the most important part?

Shorten everything

Shorten your sentences. Make your paragraphs concise. Simplify without dumbing down. Eliminate waffle and be precise. Your readers will thank you for it in the long run, promise.

Eliminate jargon

Jargon is the enemy of all writers. Unless you are creating a specific piece for a very specific audience, it's best to become eagle-eyed when it comes to jargon spotting. Make sure you explain complicated ideas, give context, and use everyday words or come up with a different phrase, so your points don't get lost in translation.

By following the above, you can feel confident that your article will impress your readers. Next time you are about to publish a piece, go through these points to ensure yours is the very best it can be.

So now you know all about article editing, why not learn about how to write a popular article?

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