The 10 Best Ways To Minimize Distractions When Working From Home

By on April 1, 2020

If you need to learn how to minimize distractions when working from home - our top tips will help you stay focused! Distractions are a writer's worst enemy. Unfortunately, when you are working from home, distractions can be plentiful. There are huge benefits to working from home, especially for writers. You don't have to stick to a strict 9 to 5 schedule, you can manage your own time, you can set your own hours, you don't have to deal with a stuffy and expensive commute, and you have all the comforts of your lovely home environment at your fingertips.

The advances in technology mean that there are a lot more job positions that can be successfully carried out from home. Writers need very few tools to write, having a power source, your laptop, access to the internet, and a comfy space to sit is everything you need. However, real-time chat tools have also made it very easy to reach out and communicate with others at the click of a button too. 

However, there's one significant downside to working from home, and that's how easy it can be to get distracted. The TV, members of your family barging in and that massive pile of laundry taunting you from across the room are all culprits. When you are at work, you simply don't have these distractions to bother you. 

If you want to write successfully from home, you, therefore, need to minimize distractions as much as possible. Here are ten effective ways to do just that. 

How to minimize distractions when working form home - our top ten tips!

1.Accept distractions will always be there

Don't try to fight against the distractions in your home or remove them entirely. You'll end up wasting so much time in a battle you can't win. Instead, you need to learn to live with your distractions, acknowledge them, accept them - but figure out how not to let them get the better of you too. 

2. Remove or eliminate obvious distractions from your workspace

Anything that you can get out of your direct eye line, do so. Any dirty dishes or piles of ironing can be moved to another room. Out of sight is out of mind. Alternatively, try to start each day with a clear head by taking the time to get your house clean and organized each evening before you go to bed.

3. Turn off social media

Social media will always be a massive distraction, so unless you specifically need to use it for work, turn all notifications off during the time you are trying to write.

4. Tell your family you working hours

If you inform your family about your working hours and ask them to respect that you cannot be distracted at this time, you've given everyone a heads up and are managing their expectations. 

5. Set goals and deadlines

You are much more likely to remain focused if you set daily tasks for yourself, as well as longer goals to help you keep on track.

6. Take breaks

You can't expect to stay focused for long periods - we only have a specific attention span before we all get distracted. Giving yourself regular breaks will help keep you focused when you do sit down to concentrate once more.

7. Get some exercise

Exercise can be a great way to blow off some steam, get rid of excess energy, and help with your concentration, so pay attention to this and make sure you move around as much as possible.

8. Change location from time to time

Staying in the same location for long periods can mean we get complacent, and our minds start to wander. If you find yourself adopting this attitude try mixing up the site of where you work (even if it's just a different room) from time to time to give yourself a fresh perspective. 

9. Have a business mindset

The more businesslike your mentality, the more likely you'll stay focused and professional just like you would at work. Resist the temptation to lounge about in your pajamas and take yourself seriously for the best results!

10. Reward yourself for your concentration by indulging in whatever is distracting you

Once you have achieved your goals, give in to those distractions - kick back with a Netflix series, check your Instagram, or just get that duster and get to work!

By following the above, you can hope to keep distractions to a minimum and be the most effective and productive writer possible. Good luck!

So now you know how to minimize distractions when working from home, why not learn some more tips to help you focus?

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