New Year’s Resolutions For Writers

By on January 1, 2020

Discovering resolutions for writers can be a great way to say on track. All writers know that self-discipline and determination are crucial to success. That's why it is a good idea to set goals and deadlines as well as to understand what motivates and inspires you to keep you on the right track. However, when it comes to specifics, often it can be tough to decide what you should focus on. If you want some good New Years' resolutions to start you off in the right frame of mind in 2020, then look no further. Here are some great options that might work for you!

New Year's Resolutions for writers to help keep you going!

Be more honest

Honesty in writing helps to give you an authentic voice that's genuinely yours and allows you to tell the stories that you were born to tell. 

Try a new genre

Don't be afraid to experiment with genre. You might not be having success because you aren't willing to try different things, and when you do, you could open yourself up to a whole new world of possibilities. 

Measure activity instead of results

Instead of focusing on your results, this year, why not look at your achievement in terms of how productive you've been. If you put the work in and truly dedicate yourself to the craft, that's what counts.

Push yourself

Don't be afraid to take risks, do things that scare you, and take on new challenges that push you to the limit - it will inspire you and motivate you and make for a great story too.

Learn about marketing

Writer's need to be good salespeople, and they need to understand the techniques that help to sell. This year spend some of your time focusing on the marketing side of things, and you could be rewarded in terms of book sales.

Ban excuses

Write, regardless of how you feel, and ban writing excuses and procrastination from your life. This year, writing is your priority. 

Do your research

Becoming a better researcher will make you a better writer. So whatever you are thinking about writing in 2020, make sure that you bother to do your research and use it wisely. 

Start a writing blog and set up your author's website

If you are serious about building your readership, then make an effort to get your writing business set up as soon as possible. Now is the time to create a slick author website, and start a regular blog to attract new readers.

Finish that book

Of course, if you are midway through your book, finishing that novel is going to be a top priority. Make sure that you get it done this year!

Get something published

We know being a published novelist is difficult. However, getting SOMETHING published is not so hard. See how it feels to see your name in print and dedicate yourself to finding a publication that'll print your work.

These New Year's resolutions are just some of the promises you can make to yourself to try and make this year your best one yet. However, we all know that making resolutions is one thing, but sticking to them is quite another. So above everything else, try to muster the resolve and determination to achieve your goals - no matter what they are, you'll be so glad when you do.

So now you know these resolutions for writers, why not learn the 10 habits of highly effective writers?

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