Never Worry About Writer’s Block Again

By on December 27, 2016
Never Worry About Writer's Block Again - Writer's

Writer's block is an interesting concept for many writers. Some claim to suffer terribly from it; others don’t believe in it at all. There are lots of pieces of advice on how to get over it or prevent it from happening to you in the first place.

What if you could learn to love your writer's block? Well, not love it perhaps, but find ways to make it a positive thing? Instead of desperately trying to find a way out of it or stop it from happening, could there be a way to embrace it, learn from it and see it as a sort of opportunity?

I think that it’s possible, and here’s why.

It lets you take a break.

Writers often get so aught up in their writing that they work for months on end through all hours of the day without taking a break. It’s very hard, particularly when you are in the writing ‘zone’ to pack up at 5 pm and switch off that part of your brain. Writer’s block can be your brain's way of shutting down; it’s basically telling you it’s had enough. If this happens to you instead of fighting it, you could accept it. Don’t spend hours staring frustratedly at your computer. Take a break, switch off, do something else. Come back to your work when you feel rested and rejuvenated, and you’ll probably suddenly be inspired to write once more.

Next time you get writer's blocks pay attention to yourself. Are you stiff? Does your back hurt? Are you getting headaches more often than usual? Writers need to take care of themselves physically as well as mentally and if you are finding it tough to write then this is a great opportunity to concentrate on getting yourself in tiptop physical condition. Do some stretches, go for long walks, get some fresh air. Being cooped up in front of a computer for weeks at a time and barely seeing the light of day is going to do nothing for your creativity. Get it flowing again by getting back out into the real world for a while.

Writer’s block forces you to leave your writing as it is. Perhaps it is necessary for you to stop writing for a while to improve. I often find that before a period of writer's block the quality of my writing starts to deteriorate. I stop getting that feeling of giddy excitement when I have finished a chapter; I find it harder and harder to see where my story is going. Writer's block actually stops me from writing utter rubbish! It allows me to step back, have conversations with people, go back to my notes or research and look at my story with a fresh set of eyes.

The most important thing to remember is that writing is hard work. Even if you do it as a ‘hobby’, it’s still one that is taxing, challenging and time-consuming. Writer's block can be your bodies way of telling you to slow down. Pay attention to it, and deliberately use the time to take a break, nourish your body and mind and try to enjoy it. Only go back to your writing when you feel inspired and ready, and you’ll feel so much better for it.

Bethany Cadman -author of 'Doctor Vanilla's Sunflowers'

Bethany Cadman -author of 'Doctor Vanilla's Sunflowers'

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