Lesser-Known Writing Tips That Really Work

By on January 15, 2020

Lesser-known writing tips can make your writing shine above the competition. Finding useful writing tips can be a great way to ensure that you hone and improve your writing as much as possible. However, there is so much writing advice out there that it is difficult to know what really does work. Here we’ve gathered together some of the best tried and tested writing tips that work, and that you might not have heard of before!

Lesser-known writing tips to give you an advantage!

Keep a logbook of your writing and make it super detailed

A logbook where you keep track of your writing endeavors can help shed lots of light on how best to structure your writing time, so you are at your most productive. After each writing session, make a note of:

Where you wrote

What time you wrote

How long you wrote

What you wrote

How you felt

Whether you hit your targets

Look for patterns over a few weeks in terms of your mood, location, timings, and so on, and you’ll be able to figure out what you need to be more productive. 

Write one sentence at a time

Sometimes writing can be a massive struggle, and even opening the document we need to get started seems like way too much effort. However, if you tell yourself to take things one sentence at a time, this can be a useful way of making the whole process seem less daunting. Just tell yourself you are going to write one sentence, then write another, and another. You’ll have your finished manuscript in no time, promise!

Experiment with different locations to write in

Don’t just assume that your office or your sofa is the best place for you to write. Try writing in all sorts of different locations - your local library, on public transport, in a cafe, on a park bench. You might realize that your setting is holding you back, and you feel so much more inspired elsewhere.

Stop writing from beginning to end

Linear writing can be helpful sometimes, but it can also feel challenging if you can’t focus on what happens next in your story. Next time you write, why not try instead to concentrate on a particular scene that you know you want to take place even if it’s not the next thing that happens. You might realize that you write better when you don’t just work from the beginning to the middle to the end.

Switch up your media to refresh your imagination

Writing can feel monotonous at times, and lots of writers find that simply by switching up the media that they are working with, they suddenly feel inspired anew and much more creative. So the next time you are suffering from writer’s block, why not give this a try? 

By following the above tips, you should find yourself refreshed, inspired, motivated, and progressing fast.

Do you have any weird and wonderful writing tips that work for you? Please share them with us here!

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bethany cadman
Bethany Cadman - bethanycadman.co.uk

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