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  • How Poetry Can Improve Your Writing

    Did you know that poetry can improve your writing? There are many different ways writers can try to improve their writing. It's crucial for every writer, no matter how experienced, to accept that there is always room...

    • Posted April 28, 2020
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  • How To Make Your Characters Sound Different From One Another

    It's so important to make your characters sound different from one another, but doing so is easier said than done. We all know that every good story relies upon a cast of characters who are exciting, engaging,...

    • Posted April 24, 2020
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  • Chaotic Writing -How To Create Order Out Of Chaos

    Chaotic writing doesn't necessarily mean problematic writing. Here we explore how to make sense of the whirlwind that is writng a book. When we start writing a novel, it often comes from a place of chaos. We...

    • Posted April 23, 2020
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  • How To Stop Being An Ordinary Writer – By Being An Extraordinary Person

    Do you want to stop being an ordinary writer? Here we explore the action you need to take right now! When we are feeling disheartened about our writing, we might worry that we don’t have that spark,...

    • Posted April 22, 2020
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  • How To Manage Your Workflow Process For A More Efficient Freelance Writing Business

    Starting a freelance writing business can be tricky - but managing your workflow process is key. If you are a freelance writer, you may well understand how difficult it can be to juggle all your writing gigs....

    • Posted April 17, 2020
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  • How To Get Paid To Write What You Love

    If you want to get paid to write, you want it to be writing about something you love, right? Competent freelance writers often pride themselves on being able to write about anything under the sun. Often it...

    • Posted April 16, 2020
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  • How To Find Great Proofreading Jobs

    Looking for great proofreading jobs? We can help you find the best proofreading jobs to make some extra money! As a writer, you’ve no doubt spent plenty of time looking over your own work and trying to...

    • Posted April 16, 2020
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  • How To Know If You Are A Talented Writer

    Every single writer, at some point in their career, asks the question, am I a talented writer? The truth is it can be a difficult one to answer. You might love to write; perhaps you are extremely...

    • Posted April 10, 2020
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  • How To Find Your Writing Passion

    Finding your writing passion can make all the difference to how invested you are in your own career. Writers are creative and passionate people by nature. However, sometimes finding what it is that truly makes our hearts...

    • Posted April 9, 2020
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  • Plot Development – How To Make Yours Original

    One of the most difficult challenges for writers is to try to come up with a unique and compelling plot. There are millions and millions of books already out there, covering almost every topic and genre under...

    • Posted April 8, 2020
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  • How Writing Can Keep You Sane

    Writing can keep you sane - did you know? When you are cooped up indoors for many hours of the day, you might start to go a little stir crazy, and who could blame you? Unfortunately, it...

    • Posted April 3, 2020
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  • The Different Ways To Write About Love

    Do you want to learn some ways that you can write about love? Our top tips will help you explore everything about writing and romance! Those writing a novel will know that it is hard not to...

    • Posted April 2, 2020
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  • The 10 Best Ways To Minimize Distractions When Working From Home

    If you need to learn how to minimize distractions when working from home - our top tips will help you stay focused! Distractions are a writer's worst enemy. Unfortunately, when you are working from home, distractions can...

    • Posted April 1, 2020
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  • How To Boost Your Income As A Writer

    Do you want to learn how to boost your income as a writer? Of course, you do! Read on to find out how. In times where everyone is feeling the pinch, freelance writers might be concerned about...

    • Posted March 27, 2020
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