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  • How To Keep Writing When You Work Long Hours

    It can be hard to keep writing when you are juggling other priorities. Having a full time, demanding job means that you have very little spare time to spend on other projects. If you have a book...

    • Posted July 8, 2020
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  • Article Editing Tips

    Article editing can be tricky - learn how to make the job easier with our top tips! When it comes to editing our work, many writers can quickly become overwhelmed. Writing passionately and creatively about a topic...

    • Posted July 8, 2020
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  • How You Know That You’re Ready To Publish

    Do you know that you're ready to publish? How? Parting with your work can be an extremely tough and scary decision for any writer. We spend so long drafting, writing, nurturing, and perfecting our stories, sharing them...

    • Posted July 3, 2020
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  • How To Take Book Rejections Like A Pro

    Book rejections aren't fun for any writer, but learning from them is essential. Here are some helpful tips to help you take rejections like a pro. Book rejections - the reasons why There are several reasons why...

    • Posted July 3, 2020
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  • How To Be A More Efficient Writer

    If you want to be a more efficient writer, you need to learn how to work productively and quickly without compromising your work quality. In short, the faster you can generate good quality content, the more money...

    • Posted July 3, 2020
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  • How To Escape Into Your Writing

    How to escape into your writing? Find out how you can get into flow and lose yourself when you are enjoying your creative work! One of the great pleasures of reading a book is the fact that...

    • Posted June 25, 2020
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  • The Best Maya Angelou Quotes For Writers

    Do you love Maya Angelou Quotes? The revered Maya Angelou certainly had a lot to say about writers, and her advice has helped many of us find inspiration, courage and motivation when times are tough. Here are...

    • Posted June 25, 2020
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  • What Writers Can Learn From Shakespeare

    If you want to learn from Shakespeare, you can improve your writing in so many ways! Every good writer knows that studying the greats can help us understand what is truly important about our craft. Shakespeare is...

    • Posted June 25, 2020
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  • How To Convince Your Reader To Take Action

    When trying to create persuasive copy, you need to convince your reader to take action. If they get to the end of your piece and do nothing, you haven’t achieved your goal. However, convincing your reader to...

    • Posted June 18, 2020
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  • Sent Your Book To Publishers? Things To Do While You Wait

    Sending your book to publishers is an exciting time. Getting everything prepared - your manuscript finalized, your pitch perfected, and your query letter spot on, takes a mammoth effort. However, once you have sent your book off,...

    • Posted June 18, 2020
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  • Mistakes To Avoid When Writing Query Letters

    Writing query letters can be challenging, but getting this right is crucial if you want to ensure that you give your manuscript the best chance of success. Here are some of the top mistakes that people make...

    • Posted June 18, 2020
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  • How To Beat The Writing Blues

    Have you got the writing blues? Here's how to beat them! We can all find it difficult to write from time to time, and when that happens, it’s easy to feel demotivated. If our creative juices aren’t...

    • Posted June 10, 2020
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  • Best Places To Write In Summer

    Now that the warmer weather is upon us, the idea of spending long days hunched over a desk seems a little depressing. The great thing about writing for a living is that we can manage our own...

    • Posted June 10, 2020
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  • How Quickly Should You Write Your Book?

    Understanding how long it takes to write a book is a valuable lesson for every writer. While many people might argue that it is impossible to define how long it will take any individual to write a...

    • Posted June 10, 2020
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