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How To Plan Your Novel

Some authors claim that their writing simply ‘flows’ out of them, that they always feel inspired to write and even sometimes find themselves up at all hours of the night because they simply have to get their ideas down.
Of course, when they say this to other writers, they can't help but slightly hate them. You know, the ones who struggle to find any spare time in the day to write, and when they do stare blankly at their computer screen before shuffling off to make a sandwich. Or the ones wake up in the middle of the night with their heads not full of amazingly creative ideas but instead wondering whether or not they turned the oven off, worrying about it for ten minutes and deciding ‘probably’ is safe enough, and definitely not worth getting out of bed for.
The point is, that unless you are one of the lucky few who are able to simply turn on their creativity wherever, and whenever they like, having a plan for your novel is essential.
Planning your novel gives it structure, it keeps it focused and clear in your mind and you can understand where it is going, or rather, where it needs to get to to move forward. Having a plan helps ‘normal’ writers write.
So here is how you make one.
Start off by writing a summary of your story, in one sentence. This is harder than you think but really helpful once you’ve nailed it. Having one simple line which summates your story keeps the idea clear and focused in your head and is something you can always refer back to if you feel as though you are going off track.
This is harder than you think but really helpful once you’ve nailed it. Having one simple line which summates your story keeps the idea clear and focused in your head, and is something you can always refer back to if you feel as though you are going off track.
Next, write a longer description of your novel, write what happens in the beginning, middle and then end.
Once you have done this then write down every single one of your characters. Give them names, describe them and why they feature in the story. Why do they do, how do they interact, what is their motivation, how does it end for them?
Getting to know your characters is so important and the only way that they all truly come alive on the page. Ask them all sorts of questions, create backstories for them that you don’t even necessarily have to use in your book. The more you flesh out your characters, the more lifelike they will become.
Now write a proper synopsis for your book, outline each chapter, what happens and why.
Once you have done this look at each chapter in detail - is it necessary? Does it drive the plot forward? Would the story still hold up without it?
Doing this early on can help you see where your plots weaknesses are, and will help you get rid of parts of the story that are unnecessary. Each chapter should have tension, action, and resolution - each chapter should advance the story and be exciting in its own right, that way you will keep the reader hooked throughout.
Spending time on a well-thought out plan for your novel means you know exactly what happens in your novel before you begin, this decreases the chances of writers block and makes it so much easier to get the whole book done.
Of course, your book will always be a work in progress and through the re-drafting process you could see it change dramatically from your original plan - but that’s just part of the fun.