How To Approach A Business As A Content Writer

By on January 22, 2020

Learning how to approach a business as a content writer is a really great skill. If you are hoping to expand your content writing business and make a good living from being a freelance writer, you need to stop waiting for jobs to come to you. You might have a great website, and you might be able to land good jobs when you apply for them. However, if you don't go out there and shout about your skills, you could be missing a trick.

It doesn't matter what kind of business you are involved with; content marketing can make a difference. The way you word your website, your landing pages, product descriptions, and so on, can make a significant impact on business success when it comes to generating more sales. 

All businesses need good content writers, and it's your job as one to make them realize it.

So if you fancy working for a particular brand, or find a specific industry fascinating, get paid to write about it? Don't just wait for those perfect jobs to land in your lap, go out and get them! 

But how do you approach businesses to offer your content writing services? You need to get smart and have a proper strategy in place to ensure that they take you seriously and understand how you will add value. 

Approach a business as a content writer with our top tips

Have all the right pieces in place first

Having a slick website, an easily accessible portfolio, and a business blog in place before you start will demonstrate that you take yourself seriously, that you have the experience, and that you mean businesses.

Approach the right person

Make sure you do your research and work out who the best person is to contact in the first instance. If you approach the wrong person in the business, your query may be dismissed or ignored. This could be because it's not in that person's remit or just doesn't concern them.

Explain how you can help

Be very clear about why you are getting in touch and how you intend to help them. If you have noticed that the business website isn't clear, tell them (politely). If you can see that they don't do any social media marketing, explain how this could make a difference. Tell them why you're the right person to assist them.

Give examples

Talk about how great you are, but don't forget to give examples of previous work that you've had that's relative and how you've helped other businesses grow. If you can't do this, point to published pieces or your blog and find statistics on the importance of excellent content marketing to help prove that you know your stuff.

Show off your credentials

Don't forget to tell them a bit about yourself, your history and experience, any relevant qualifications, and why you'd be the perfect fit for the role (even if it's a role you've created yourself)!

Generate trust

Share positive reviews or testimonials from other clients so they can rest assured that you're a decent writer. You could also offer to send samples and let them know you'd do a certain number of rounds of amends so they'd have a chance to give you feedback. By focusing on what you can offer them and how you can help them, you'll begin to generate trust. It's al about pointing out their problems and then delivering solutions straight away so it feels like an offer they can't refuse.

By following the above tips, you can start to write about what you genuinely care about, build up your portfolio, and make a generous living. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and approach those businesses today!

So now you know how to approach a business as a content writer, why not learn how to be more business-minded.

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