How To Create An Article People Want To Read

By on December 15, 2017
How To Create An Article People Want To Read -

It’s one thing to write an article. It’s another thing to create an article people want to read.

There are thousands of articles online, but how can you make yours stand out?

There is something you possess that no one else has, the power of storytelling. No matter what you’re writing, you should always incorporate stories into your article because it makes it more relatable to the people reading your article.

When you’re writing an article, share your own personal examples of what has worked or what hasn’t worked.

For example, I wrote an article on how cold showers positively affect you. Yet, there are thousands of articles on cold showering. I made mine different because I wasn’t sharing the benefits of cold showering; I stated what the cold shower did for me and what people could expect. I tried to make it more personal.

You need to focus on creating articles different from every article in that certain topic. Can you make your article 100% different? Of course you can’t but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try.

People don’t want to read another article on how to become a great writer. They want to hear your struggles and how you overcame them to become the writer you are today.

Everyone started somewhere and everyone was once a beginner, never forget that. When you’re writing an article that’s geared towards benefiting someone, write as if you were explaining the concept to a grandparent. Be clear in your statement and exemplify the “how to” portion of the article.

Another way to create an article people want to read is by being polarizing. This can be choosing a controversial topic. I can tell you from experience that when I wrote a controversial topic for my blog, our website went down… we had the most people on our website ever. Yes, it can be scary, but you will need to share your opinion and stick to it if you wish to get remembered.

Lastly, write the article like you’re speaking to a friend. Write in a friendly tone that makes the person feel as though you really want to help them. Remember we’re all here to help each other become a better person 🙂.

Writing an article people want to read doesn’t need to be tricky. If you follow the steps above and write an article that’s unique to your experience, controversial, and follows a friendly tone, your article will get read!

 Trevor Oldham - Author of The Daily Lion

About Ty Cohen