All posts by Ty Cohen

  • 10 Things That only Writers Will Know
    10 Things That only Writers Will Know

    Ah, writing. It’s a funny old game is it not? In fact, it is probably fair to say that there is no other job quite like it in the world. Until you live the life of a...

    • Posted October 21, 2016
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  • Does Your Personality Type Change The Way You Write? - Writer's
    Does Your Personality Type Change The Way You Write?

    It’s natural to think that the way you view the world, your past, your experiences and knowledge are all going to have an effect on your writing. This is what you will draw from, how you will...

    • Posted October 20, 2016
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  • How To Become A Confident Writer - Writer's
    How To Become A Confident Writer

    Many writers suffer from a lack of confidence and crippling self-doubt, and while it is important to be aware of how good your writing is, often this inner critic can be very destructive. There is certainly a...

    • Posted October 19, 2016
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  • Why Your Minor Characters Are So Important - Writer's
    Why Your Minor Characters Are So Important

    When it comes to writing your book, you will no doubt include a whole host of characters. Some play bigger parts than others - your main protagonist(s) for example, are hugely important and must be interesting and...

    • Posted October 18, 2016
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  • How To Structure Your Story - Writer's
    How To Structure Your Story

    We’ve all been told time and time again how important it is to have a solid story structure. This is all well and good, and we know that having a beginning, middle and an end is fairly...

    • Posted October 18, 2016
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  • How To Create The Most Effective Book Launch - Writer's Life.
    How To Create The Most Effective Book Launch

    Creating an effective book launch is so important. It is the initial push, and that first opportunity to get your book noticed by as many people as possible. If your book launch is successful, you could well...

    • Posted October 17, 2016
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  • Dream Big - Pitch Small - Writer's
    Dream Big – Pitch Small

    As a freelance writer, there is nothing more rewarding then landing that one big job. The one that means more exposure, better money, more job satisfaction. Of course, the problem is, that often freelance writers spend so...

    • Posted October 13, 2016
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  • Does Writing Get Easier Over Time? - Writer's
    Does Writing Get Easier Over Time?

    Are you struggling through that first novel? Perhaps you have just finished and are basking in the glow and the glory of finally having made it to the end? Maybe you are just getting started and having...

    • Posted October 12, 2016
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  • How To Write A Brilliant Book Outline - Writer's
    How To Write A Brilliant Book Outline

    Taking the time to write a useful book outline can make all the difference when it comes to writing your novel. There are plenty of different methods and techniques you can use to do so. You might...

    • Posted October 11, 2016
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  • How To Stop Overcomplicating Your Plot - Writer's
    How To Stop Overcomplicating Your Plot

    Your plot is what makes your story work. The best characters in the world, the most beautiful writing style, even a groundbreaking, heartbreaking, inspiring, hilarious idea will all be let down if your plot hasn’t been carefully...

    • Posted October 11, 2016
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