An Author’s Inspiration

By on September 22, 2017

Failing is part of life. It's been said that failure is not the problem, rather it's how long you take to recover or feel sorry for yourself before moving forward. I know this too well. Last year I applied to my local library to carry my first book on their shelves. It was a long process. Many friends and supporters filled out "request to carry" forms to support my application. After about nine months I heard back from them. They were denying my request because there were not enough reviews for my book. I was disappointed, to say the least, but more frustrated. My "request to purchase" endeavor fell flat. I even offered to donate a few copies but was turned down based on their policy they must purchase the books. I thought it a little odd but I put a period there. This didn't stop me. I told myself this was a practice run and I would be back with something they can't turn down. It's about attitude.

I took to social media and let all those who supported me in my endeavor know of the decision and why. I had failed. I didn't give myself a hard time or blame anyone. Rather I said that I would be reaching out to them again when the time came. There was lots of support with everyone saying to keep moving, to not get discouraged and learn from the experience.

I have learned a lot through successful authors and those that are aspiring writers. They all have a story to tell about how they got to where they are today. It's my hope that through my blogs and social media posts, that I will not only inspire others but also receive the inspiration to move forward and get my message across.

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