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All posts tagged "writing tips"
Great Ways To Begin Your Story
Starting your story is just the beginning, but it is often the very hardest part. I am sure we all know the feeling of sitting down to start a new writing project, staring at that blank screen...
- Posted June 18, 2017
How To End Your Chapters Well
Every writer knows that ending your chapters well is crucial. You want to bring that particular scene or a piece of action to an end, while also leaving everything on a mini cliffhanger so your readers can’t...
- Posted June 15, 2017
Crafting Lessons To Improve Your Book
As writers, we know that constantly striving to learn and improve is key to our writing success and satisfaction. There is always more to learn, new techniques to try and methods to experiment with. That’s one of...
- Posted June 14, 2017
What Makes A Book Worth Reading?
As writers, we all know how important it is to read as much as possible. We also know that it's crucial to make our own work as readable as possible. Regardless of what type of book you...
- Posted June 7, 2017
Why Are First Drafts So Bad?
Your first draft probably isn’t that great. There we said it. You probably knew it anyway, but perhaps it’s time to figure out why. Writing an initial draft of any novel is usually a slow, painful and...
- Posted June 4, 2017
How To Write With Clarity
One of the most useful things you can do for your writing is to make it clear. Clear writing is sharp and precise, it doesn’t use three words when one will do, in short, it makes every...
- Posted May 31, 2017
How To Write More Freely
Sometimes it can be a real struggle to sit down and write. Whether it’s just getting ourselves motivated, or that pesky inner critic preventing the words from coming out, there are times where all writers will find...
- Posted May 30, 2017
Write What You Fear
The best writing comes from a place of courage. Of facing up to our fears and tackling them head on. The best writing isn’t censored or submerged or flimsy. It hits hard and leaves you gasping for...
- Posted May 25, 2017
Does Being A Writer Mean Being Miserable?
We all have this impression of the sad, lonely and tortured writer. One who suffers rejection after rejection, who wakes up in the middle of the night, burning with a desire to write. One who is fearful...
- Posted May 24, 2017
Great Advice For First Time Writers
For a first-time writer, the idea of getting published can feel as far away as another universe. When you first sit down at your computer or desk to begin that very first chapter, imagining your book out...
- Posted May 20, 2017