Make Writing Easy

By on May 28, 2016
Make Writing Easy - Writer's

Why do we find sitting down to write so difficult when it is something that we love?

Writing for a living or as a hobby can be a strange, emotional pastime. It feels like a struggle, yet is also deeply rewarding and satisfying, it can be terrifying yet exhilarating. It can drive us mad yet set us free. We do anything we can think of to delay having to do it, and yet we absolutely have to do it.

Should writing be this difficult? And can we do anything to make it easier?

Resisting your urges to write is a common problem, and one that many writers struggle with. Writers, against what one might expect, often have the tidiest houses on the planet, simply because they spend a lot of the time they are supposed to be working on their craft, polishing every last nook and cranny just to avoid actually sitting down to write!

There is always something that 'needs' to get done before we will actually get on with it. This list is endless. Walking the dog, doing the laundry, exercising, catching up on your correspondence - all of these have been used time and time again by writers claiming that they need to finish these tasks before their mind feels settled and clear enough to work creatively.

Of course, really writing should be our priority.

A common technique for successful business people is to write down their tasks for the day and then work through them, tackling the biggest, most difficult task (the one they are dreading doing) first, then everything else they have to do seems easy. This is how we should view our writing. Get up and do it. Before you do anything else. Often you’ll find once you have started you’ll easily get into the swing of things.

Once you have reached your writing goal whether it’s to finish that chapter, write that blog post, or just reach the word count you’ve set for yourself that day, then you can finish and move on to your other daily tasks - you’ll feel great, and make real progress with your writing too.

Writing can be equated to going to the gym. You think about it for ages before you start, building yourself up, and, as the time gets closer, think of loads of reason why you shouldn’t go, instead dwelling on all the other things that suddenly need ‘urgent attention’ to get you out of it.

Once you are there however, and begin, though hard work, it is actually quite enjoyable. When you are done you feel fantastic, and know that you are one step closer to achieving your goal.

Try to use your resistance to writing, and think about it positively.

Next time you find yourself procrastinating, sit at your desk and write down why you don’t want to write today. Often it is because of fears or anxieties about your writing, but it can also be because you are finding a chapter particularly challenging.

If that’s the case go back and read what you have written before - perhaps there are changes you need to make to previous chapters in order to help make the story flow more easily. When we feel we are out of our comfort zone, that’s when we resist, but if we never go there, we’ll never progress.

If you write regularly it will get easier.

Making time for your writing is so important but you don't have to start by writing hours each day.

Again, if we equate it with exercise - no one expects you to take up running and complete a marathon on your first go. You can start off as slowly as you like. Write in the morning for 10 minutes a day. No matter what. Slowly build up the amount of time you write until you are in a good routine where you feel like you are writing a satisfactory amount.

Writing every day is optimal, but if you can’t try and do it at least three times a week to keep those creative cogs turning.

Every time you write, reward yourself. We don’t mean reaching for the cookie jar, but simply take a moment to think about how good you feel. Even better, write it down. Appreciating how you feel and being able to recall those feelings will inspire you to write next time you are struggling.

Writing doesn't have to be a painful struggle, and with these tips you can make writing easy, from start to finish.

Bethany Cadman -author of 'Doctor Vanilla's Sunflowers'

Bethany Cadman -author of 'Doctor Vanilla's Sunflowers'

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